Soap Nuts Shell in Cotton Bag Packing,Natural Pure Soap Nuts Shell.
Packing Bags are used as an accessory for soap nuts packing. Cotton Packing Bags are produced in our own Factory. Our packing bags have the following features.They leave your laundry fresh, clean and soft eliminating the need for softeners. Because they are natural and chemical free they are gentle on your skin and most delicate clothes. Suitable for babies, sensitive skin, allergy and eczema sufferers.
Do not overload your washer with too much clothes. Allow space for the soap nuts to interact with water to release the saponin.Add more soap nut shells or reduce the load of clothes if they are dirtier than usualIt is not necessary to remove soap nuts from the rinse cycle.Once the soap nuts is used up, you can add them to the compost for your garden.

Soak it in a bowl of hot or warm water for at least 15 minutes.
Toss the bowl of liquid and soap nuts into your washing machine together with your clothes and start the wash cycle.
Remove the bag of Soap Nuts before the rinsing stage, or else the suds will keep on being released.

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