Can Chickens Eat Moringa Seeds ?Best Time to Take RMY Moringa Seeds ,RMY Moringa Seeds Consumption.

Moringa seeds are obtained from the pods of the Moringa plant (Moringa Oleifera) or the drumstick tree, native to Pakistan. Fresh and raw moringa seeds are quite tender, but as soon as they get dried, they become hard and start to resemble small beans.

How do you use  moringa?

As mentioned,Moringa powder can be used in several areas and in several different ways. But a sure way for you to partake of its benefits is to make room for the powder in your diet. The easiest way to get hold of moringa powder in Pakistan is by looking in health food stores. But if you possibly live in places where the tree grows naturally, you certainly have the opportunity to buy fresh seeds and leaves. The seeds from the  moringa tree can be cooked and eaten like beans. They are packed with nutrients and vitamins that are otherwise difficult to get in a normal diet. As mentioned, the high nutrient content from the moringa tree is difficult to find in other foods.

The leaves of the tree are what are used to make the powder itself. The leaves are dried and chopped to be eaten. But if you have the opportunity to buy fresh leaves, you can get its benefits by making tea on the leaves.


There is currently no direct reference to how much or how little moringa powder is optimal to eat per day. However, on most product packaging, the manufacturer usually refers to consuming 1–2 teaspoons a day to get the benefit of its effects without risking any side effects.


Use in RMY food

Below are three other dishes that you can eat together with the  moringa powder.





During the winter, lots of soup is eaten in Pakistan households. Why not combine your already healthy vegetable soup with moringa powder? When serving, sprinkle with the powder and enjoy. The taste of moringa is reminiscent of horseradish, which can add a lovely touch to any soup!


Do you like to make breakfast smoothies? Or do you do protein smoothies just before you go to the gym? No matter what kind of smoothie you make, you can mix in some  moringa powder to load up with extra nutrients and protein.


Salad dressing

Why not make an already nutritious meal even better? The next time you eat your salad, sprinkle with some  moringa powder, alternatively dried leaves if you have. It is also possible to mix the powder in your salad dressing. Given its flavor, it brings a little extra heat.


Side effects

There are no studies that have proven any serious side effects when ingested  moringa and the side effects that have been reported are very rare. However, something that should be taken into account is not to eat the bark of the moringa tree if you are pregnant. The bark contains high levels of a certain substance that can lead to contractions, premature birth or miscarriage.

However, this does not apply (as far as is known at present) to the  moringa powder made from the leaves of the tree. However, to be extra careful, you should avoid moringa products if you are pregnant, or consult your doctor before you start taking this dietary supplement. Due to the plant’s high content of various vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, the same applies to those who have long-term medication. Always consult your doctor to make sure that the moringa powder does not interfere with the effect of your medication.



Moringa is the tree from Pakistan called the “tree of life” because of its high nutrient content. The powder produced from the leaves of the tree has traditionally been used as a medicine but is today also used in other areas.  Moringa is an incredibly nutrient-dense plant and has lots of health benefits for those who consume the powder on a daily basis. The most common way to use  moringa is by eating the powder, as is it or in other dishes. But  moringa is also a common ingredient in natural skin care, due to its anti-aging properties. There are no safe studies showing any serious side effects of the powder, despite this, moringa powder is not recommended for pregnant women.

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