Dried Reetha Nuts in White Box Board Packing Whole Soap Nuts For Hair, 100% NaturalOrganic Aritha Whole | Soap Nuts | Natural Hair Wash & Conditoner
TheSapindus tree grows in a wild environment, mainly in the Himalayan foothills between India and Nepal. One of its main characteristics is that it doesn’t need fertile soil to flourish, quite the opposite, and as it grows in hard environmental conditions it also protects its native areas from the risk of erosion. It is incredibly resilient to diseases and doesn’t need any fertilizer or chemical pesticides.Its fruits, the soapberry nuts, are harvested by local populations and they provide a great source of financial sustainment for local communities, that pick up the berries after they become gooey and red as they ripen and fall to the ground.The seed is removed from the shell and let it to dry in the sun without any chemical or synthetic agents, so soap nuts are not treated in any way and what is then put on the market is a 100% natural, un-modified product.
I first discovered soap nuts because my daughter developed eczema as a baby, she had food allergies and chemical laundry detergents seemed to make her flare-ups a lot worse. We tried to swap to non-bio detergents first, but that didn’t help, so out of desperation, I started researching the internet for a solution. There I stumbled on a group for eczema and other skin condition sufferers, and lots of people recommended using these Indian soap berries instead of traditional washing powders. I thought “I really have got nothing to lose” and bought my first bag of soapnuts from an eco-shop online.

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