K2 JASPER Helps To Sustain During The Time Of Emergency.
K2 jasper properties
K2 blue jasper gemstone is an extremely interesting rock and lapidary material. It comes from the Skardu area of northern Pakistan. This stones looks like an eye magnet for anyone who sees it for the first time. It is a bright white granite. It contains sharply contrasting orbs of bright blue azurite.
The azurite orbs range from a few millimeters up to about two centimeters in diameter. On a broken surface or on the surface of a slab, blue orbs look like drops of bright blue ink that splashed onto the rock. Upon closer examination, however, you will see that they are actually spherical in shape.
The most commonly name for marketing this material is K2 blue jasper stone, but it is definitely not jasper. If you examine the rock with a magnifying glass, you will see cleavage faces of feldspar minerals and black flakes of biotite.The composition of white granite is quartz, also sodium plagioclase, muscovite, and biotite. Furthermore we call some specimens “granite gneiss” when it show strong alignment of the biotite grainsLet’s analyze the spheres of azurites with a good lens or a microscope. It also reveals that the azurite is present along mineral grain boundaries. Within tiny fractures, and as a “dye” penetrating the feldspar grains. Azurite is a secondary material. It’s forming after the solidification of all other minerals in granite.
Many people see this material at mineral and lapidary shows. They think that round blue dots have been produced with a dye. When they ask about identity of the blue material and finally learn that it is “azurite”. They usually have a hard time believing it. Because white granite and azurite rarely occur together. For most people, this is the first time they have seen the two materials together.Some specimens also have small areas that are stained green with malachite. In the close-up photo of K2 granite, you can also see dozens of small green malachite stains.
There isn’t much history to the stone itself, since it was just discovered, but Azurite has a lengthy history as a sacred stone. The Native Americans used it to assist contact with one’s Spirit Guides. Mayans also used Azurite to manifest psychic abilities, mystical powers, and telepathy.
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