Modern Bed Sheets ,RMY bedsheets,RMY bamboo bedsheets,RMY egyptian bed sheets,RMY best bed sheets,RMY queen bed sheets,

Why should you listen to us?

We have sold over 10 million sheets since 1978. Costco, Kohl’s,Walmart, Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, etc have all sold our sheets.

We’re America’s largest sheet specialists and sheet geeks.

We test how sheets feel on award-winning equipment. We test how soft, cool, crisp, etc each sheet feels to your touch. Because sheets have hand-enhancers to make them feel good when new, we wash every sheet 10 times and then test it again. Then we select the best performing sheets to sell on our website.

We have tested 825 top-selling sheets made of almost every type of material and weave.

Night sweats are the #1 reason to buy cooling sheets

It’s not easy to nail down a perfect temperature range to help you to get to sleep. It differs slightly depending on several factors, including your age and gender. Night sweats are common for both men and women: 41% of people visiting a doctor have had night sweats at least once in the past month.

Specifically, menopausal women experience the worst kind of night sweats. They have just a few options. Medical treatment choices are expensive and could have dangerous side effects.


The safest course of action for women in menopause is to make lifestyle changes. This includes using cooling bed sheets.

But there are also other reasons to consider a cooling bed sheet

  • High internal temperature. The body usually maintains its temperature in a healthy range. But you can have a high internal temperature. This could happen with some illnesses such as diabetes or hyperthyroidism. Or it could happen for no reason. Either way, a high internal temperature disrupts your sleep cycles. This hampers your ability to get high-quality deep sleep.
  • Memory foam mattresses retain heat they absorb while you sleep. Effective cooling sheets will help dissipate that heat.
  • Humid climate. If you live in a humid climate, you will sweat more.
  • She’s hot, he’s not. Couples fighting over the AC remote is not uncommon. Reportedly, 25% of married couples argue about temperature control. Are you “thermally incompatible” with your partner? If you sleep hot, the right kind of cooling sheets will stop things from heating up.
  • Night sweats in children. If you are a parent, your child may have night sweats. You may have seen your child drenched in sweat when you check on him at night. The right sheets will make sure your child is well-rested.

Sometimes, changing sheets with the season feels like the right way to welcome a new season. For example, at the start of summer, start using your cooling sheets. Tell yourself that it’s officially time to laze in bed with your favorite cold beverage!

Why is it so hard to find a cooling sheet?

Because most of them are not right for you. Each type of cooling sheet works for a specific type of people.

Everyone’s body is different. Usually when the body gets hot, it sweats to cool down. But sometimes, you could be hot and not sweat much. Or you could have cold sweats without feeling hot. This could be because of hormonal changes, stress, illnesses, etc.

Similarly, there are different types of cooling sheets:

Breathable sheets: They prevent sweat building up by encouraging ventilation.

Absorbent sheets: if you do perspire, these absorb the sweat.

Moisture wicking sheets: These sheets pull the sweat from your skin and send it to the outside of the sheets. From there, the sweat evaporates into the air.

No one type of sheet is the best, but each has specific advantages.

How to find a cooling sheet?

There are 2 things that determine how cool a sheet is:

1. Material – what the sheet is made of

2. Construction – how the sheet is made, its threadcount, weave, etc.


Natural sheets are a safe choice for moderate sweating

Cooling sheets have traditionally been made of natural materials like cotton. They are a safe choice because they have stood the test of time.

The biggest advantage of natural fabrics is they absorb moisture. But there is a limit to how much sweat they can absorb. Sheets are quite thin and so they can get drenched.

So they are good for sleepers with light to moderate sweating.

But synthetic sheets are better at handling heavy sweating

Synthetic sheets are usually made of polyester, microfiber or high-tech performance blends. Some ‘experts’ recommend that you avoid synthetic sheets if you are a hot and sweaty sleeper.

That’s not true.

It’s true that synthetic sheets are not good at cooling you down.

But they can get rid of more sweat than any natural sheet can.

This is because natural sheets absorb moisture, but synthetic sheets wick away moisture. Once a natural sheet gets drenched with sweat, it can’t absorb any more. But sweat continually evaporates from the outside of a synthetic sheet. So it can continue to wick away more.

Synthetic sheets are great for sleepers with heavy sweating.

For instance, our No Sweat sheet is the best sheet we’ve found for dryness after testing over 800 sheets. No Sweat is made of polyester and nylon. It has topped our tests for dryness. It also scores well on coolness and is much smoother than cotton. This works very well for people with extra-sensitive skin.

Cotton sheets are the most popular natural sheets

You can’t go wrong with cotton sheets for coolness. Cotton’s two biggest strengths are: it transmits heat well, and it absorbs moisture well. It cools you down better than any other natural material.

It is also more durable and affordable than most alternatives.


Be cautious about ‘superior cotton’

There are 3 main kinds of superior cotton used in cooling sheets. Egyptian cotton, Pima cotton and Supima cotton. They are superior to regular cotton because their fibers are extra-long. Sheets made from longer fibers are softer and more durable.

1. Egyptian cotton is a much-abused term

Authentic Egyptian cotton was traditionally the gold standard for cotton sheets. It was soft and durable, even if it wrinkled.

But “Egyptian cotton” has become a much-abused term. A lot of manufacturers claim that their sheets are made of 100% Egyptian cotton. But there is no policing system to check if their claims are real. It’s not uncommon to hear complaints from ‘Egyptian cotton”s dissatisfied customers.

2. Pima cotton can produce some of the coolest sheets

Pima cotton is a high-grade cotton grown in the US, Australia and Peru. Its fibers are finer, smoother and stronger than regular cotton fibers.


The coolest sheet we have ever found, after testing 825 sheets is Easy Breezy. Woven in Portugal, it is made of 100% pure Pima cotton. It is also the lightest sheet we’ve ever tested.

What makes Easy Breezy so cool and light?

Easy Breezy is so light because the yarn used is very fine (thin). To create this fine yarn, the mill has to work with very small batches. It has to spin and weave the yarn much slower to create that level of quality.

But Pima carries the same risk as Egyptian cotton. Without testing in a fabric lab, it is hard to tell if a sheet is truly made of Pima. Often manufacturers will label their sheet “Pima cotton sheet” when it only has 30% Pima cotton.

3. Supima is the best cotton for cooling sheets

Supima is the best cotton for cooling sheets. It has the longest staple fibers used in sheets, and is 100% grown in America. Supima fibers have fewer loose ends. So they’re less likely to form pills (rough little balls on the surface of the sheet).

The best part about Supima is its reliability. It is tightly regulated from the cotton farm to the finished sheet.

For example, inspectors regularly visit Supima factories. They make sure Supima is not mixed with other fibers. They also make sure it is not woven on the same machines that weave non-Supima products.

To prevent adulteration, Supima cotton is tagged with DNA markers. A manufacturer cannot make a sheet with 10% Supima and 90% inferior cotton and pass it off as a genuine Supima sheet.

The only downsides of Supima is that it is expensive, and has few producers.

We found two sheets made of Supima that are very cool – Supercale and White Tie. Supercale is a cool & crisp sheet. It feels similar to the best cotton sheets of the 70s and 80s. White Tie is a crisper, high threadcount (more on that later) sheet.

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