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Amino Acids in Amaranth Millet, All About Amaranth Millet ,Benefits of RMY Amaranth Millet .

Scientific name: Amaranthus
Energy: 371 Calories (per 100g of uncooked grain)
Higher classification: Amaranthoideae
Rank: Genus
Family: Amaranthaceae
Kingdom: Plantae


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We Are biggest manufacturer of RMY  Amaranth millet products. We have also more then 1 million RMY  products companies and warehouses in Pakistan, Germany and Poland , also can provide you home deliveries with small quantities also no problem.

Amaranthus is a cosmopolitan genus of annual or short-lived perennial plants collectively known as amaranths. Some amaranth species are cultivated as leaf vegetables, pseudocereals, and ornamental plants. Catkin-like cymes of densely packed flowers grow in summer or autumn.

Amaranth millet is the most widely grown type of millet. It has been grown in Pakistan and subcontinent since prehistoric times. The center of diversity, and suggested area of domestication, for the crop is in the Pakistan.

RMY Amaranth millet is a robust tillering grass which grows . It has erect, light green stems. The leaves of the plant are dark green, linear and mainly smooth with some hair along the leaf edges.

The vitamins, minerals, and fiber found in Amaranth millet can provide important health benefits. The potassium found in Amaranth millet can help keep your kidneys and heart functioning properly. Potassium also helps your nerves transmit signals, which allows your brain and your muscles to work together smoothly.

Amaranth millet is commonly known as Ragi. It has become a part of the diet in most households in PAKISTAN due to its impressive nutritional value. Its value can’t be understood until you take it regularly. It was always considered poor man’s food but now it is accepted by people living in urban areas. I will say Amaranth millet value addition technologies have contributed a lot in bringing back to our plate. It has gained popularity among farmers because it is easy to grow and process as compared to other Amaranth millets.

Benefits of RMY Amaranth millet –Strong Bones and Teeth:

Amaranth millet contains the highest Calcium, it’s about 364mg per 100 gm. It has 3 times more calcium than milk. Calcium is essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth. It is good for growing children as well as for elderly people who might be at risk of osteoporosis.Benefits of RMY Amaranth millet in Weight Loss:

Obesity is increasing in an exponential manner globally and most cases are seen in urban areas as compared to rural. Amaranth millet contains a very low natural fat(1.9 g) and this makes it suitable for weight loss. Another, most specific content is Tryptophan, an amino acid that helps in checking the weight of our body by lowering the appetite. Tryptophan is generally used in the bio-synthesis of protein. Since the digestion rate is slow, it keeps us away from consuming the extra calories in our diet.

Benefits of RMY Amaranth millet in Controlling Diabetes:

There is a rapid rise in diabetes cases in PAKISTAN and around the world. Now, diabetes is a Global Emergency. Amaranth millet helps in managing blood sugar levels. It has a low glycemic index which favors slow digestion and thus prevents a spike in blood sugar levels in our body.

Benefits of RMY Amaranth millet in Pregnant and Lactating Mother:

Amaranth millet aids healthy pregnancy by adding in milk production, relieving anxiety and stress. The rich content of minerals and nutrients helps to nourish mother and child during pregnancy. It helps to build immunity and gives more strength to remain active. It also helps in the process of milk production as it is rich in calcium, iron, and amino acids.

Benefits of RMY Amaranth millet in maintaining good skin:

Amaranth millet helps in maintaining skin vitality, and prevents wrinkle formation and sagging. The presence of Methionine and Lysine in Amaranth millet helps in collagen formation which keeps the skin healthy.

Benefits of RMY Amaranth millet for Heart:

The presence of dietary fiber in Amaranth millet helps in lowering cholesterol. Lecithin and Methionine remove excess fat from the liver and stabilizes cholesterol levels in the blood, thus improving heart health.

RMY Amaranth millet helps in maintaining hemoglobin levels:

The incidence of iron deficiency and anemia is found in children and adolescents in PAKISTAN. Amaranth millet is a source of natural iron which can address this issue and can bring a positive impact on hemoglobin levels.

Benefits of RMY Amaranth millets in Digestion:

Dietary fiber is essential for our digestive health and better bowel movements. Amaranth millet contains rich dietary fiber which helps in improving digestion and prevents constipation.

Benefits of RMY Amaranth millet – Relaxes the Body:

Amaranth millet contains a good amino profile that acts as a relaxant. So, regular consumption of Amaranth millet helps in dealing with depression, insomnia, and anxiety.

Benefits of  RMY Amaranth millet – Gluten-free:

The trend of gluten-free food is increasing. Amaranth millet is free from gluten and it is a good replacement for people suffering from celiac disease.

Uses of  RMY Amaranth millet:

Amaranth millet has been used across Africa and Southeast Asia for thousands of years. It’s used to make bread, beer, and cereal. Today, Amaranth millet can be found in health food stores and large supermarkets , and it’s widely used as an alternative to wheat or other grains.

Nutritional Value of RMY Amaranth millet:

RMY Amaranth millet is well recognized because it is rich in calcium, protein, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, vitamins, dietary fiber, and zinc. It contains 364 mg Calcium, 7.2 g protein, 146 mg magnesium, 4.6 mg iron, 2.5 mg zinc, and 11.2 gm dietary fiber per 100 grams of Amaranth millet grains. The seed coat is also a rich source of phenolic compounds, minerals, and dietary fiber.

Amaranth millet is also an excellent source of:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B
  • Niacin
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Antioxidants

Amaranth millet contains about 5–8% protein, 1–2% ether extractives, 65–75% carbohydrates, 15–20% dietary fiber and 2.5–3.5% minerals (Chethan and Malleshi 2007a). It has the highest calcium content among all cereals (344 mg/100 g).

How to Prepare Amaranth millet:

Amaranth millet can be found in a variety of different forms. Dried Amaranth millet, ground Amaranth millet, and puffed Amaranth millet are all common styles that can be found in supermarkets and health food stores.

Dried Amaranth millet is cooked similarly to rice or quinoa. Ground Amaranth millet can be substituted for wheat flour, and puffed Amaranth millet can be used in place of puffed rice. Amaranth millet is a healthy addition to most diets. Here are some ways to enjoy Amaranth millet:

  • Use ground Amaranth millet instead of wheat flour in pancakes
  • Use Amaranth millet instead of rice in stuffed peppers
  • Make Amaranth millet bread
  • Use Amaranth millet instead of bread in stuffing
  • Use puffed Amaranth millet to make marshmallow squares
  • Try Amaranth millet pilaf
  • Include Amaranth millet in curry

Q1: Can Amaranth millets be given to babies?

Yes Amaranth millets can be given to babies. Babies can be fed Popped/malted Amaranth millets powder; this is like a Amaranth millet based substitute for baby food like Cerelac or others. Traditionally, children were given different forms of Amaranth millets from 6 months up.

Q2: I do not know how to cook Amaranth millets?

This is a common question people keep asking; first we need to understand that today our common food is Paddy Rice and Wheat.

Q3: My children do not want to eat Amaranth millets?

A lot of children do not like porridge made from dalia or oats but learn to like it over a period of time. Taste is cultivated and as parents we have to provide exposure to different textures, flavours etc. Start creating a taste for Amaranth millets with e.g. laddus made from Popped Amaranth millets and Amaranth millet mixes which can be used as drink by mixing with milk and then introduce it in the form of upma, mix Amaranth millets in dosa/idli batter thus slowly introducing it into the diet.

A simple Jowar Pop can be very tasty food for the Kids, it is very easy to make and also a nutritious food rich in dietary fiber very essential for building immunity.

Q4: How often can I use Amaranth millets in our food?

Amaranth millets can be consumed on a daily basis. They can either be used as it is or can be mixed with wheat and rice based products.

In order to get the Amaranth millets back in to our home, we need to start in stages by using in small percentage in the beginning.

Gradually the proportion of Amaranth millets can be increased. A simple way to begin may be by using Amaranth millet’s rice along with the Paddy rice (White Rice). One can start with 10% of Amaranth millets rice mixing and gradually increasing the proportion to 50%. In this way the taste would be retained together with the nutrient benefits of Amaranth millets. Kids can also be given Amaranth millets in the form of Ragi biscuits & Bajra chips. Chapattis can be baked using multigrain flour (a kind of flour made by mixing different varieties of Amaranth millets).

Pure Amaranth millets rice, Amaranth millet idlis, pongal, pulao, khichdiCurd rice, Dosa, Idly, Puttu etc. can all be made with Amaranth millets.

Q5: Are Amaranth millets hard to digest?

This is a misconception. For e.g. when one shifts from white, polished rice to unpolished rice the quantity of rice that you need to eat to feel satiated is much less since the unpolished rice has more bran and has a lower glycaemic index. As a result you feel hungry much later than you would with white, polished rice. In the same manner, the high fibre content of Amaranth millets leads to slower digestion and a lower glycaemic index. Once one understands the nature of Amaranth millets, one will find that much less quantities of Amaranth millets are required to get the same amount of energy to keep us working. This is also why Amaranth millets are excellent for diabetics.

Q6: I do not have Diabetes, why should I take Amaranth millets?

Amaranth millets are highly nutritious, non-glutinous and not acid forming food. Hence they’re soothing and easy to digest. They’re considered to be least allergenic & most digestible grains available.

Diabetes and other chronic diseases are known to have close link to the food that we consume.

Q7: Can Amaranth millets be as tasty as the food cooked from Rice and Wheat?

Yes. Amaranth millets have been used to make tasty recipes like – Ragi cake, Bajra muffins, ragi pancakes, Amaranth millet porridge & Malayali style puttu. Bajra-Jowar bread is known to be very delicious and is the fastest selling bread at many bakeries across the country.

Q8: Isn’t cooking Amaranth millets more time consuming and difficult?

Amaranth millets are very much like any other commonly used grain; they can be cooked in the same forms as we cook the paddy rice or Wheat.

Q9: How do I know which Amaranth millet I should eat?

Food and food habits are shaped by where you live. The easiest answer to this question is, like in the case of vegetables and fruits, eat Amaranth millets that are local to your area.

Q10: What are the health benefits of eating Amaranth millets?

Amaranth millets are highly nutritious, non-glutinous and not acid forming food. Hence they’re soothing and easy to digest.

Normally this feeling is due to the fact that Amaranth millets, owing to complex carbohydrates, keep us full for a long period of time unlike the Paddy rice (contain simple carbohydrates). Amaranth millets release glucose in to blood gradually without over loading with sudden surge of glucose like the White rice.

Eating Amaranth millets will not only reduce your weight but will also give you the nutritional benefits which rice and wheat won’t provide. They’re considered to be least allergenic & most digestible grains available.

Q11: Can pregnant women consume Amaranth millets?

Certainly they can consume Amaranth millets. In fact, Amaranth millets are ideal for pregnant mothers since several of them like ragi and bajra are rich in iron and calcium. The mothers who are having gestational diabetes should use Amaranth millets in place of other grains; this will help control the problem.

Q12: Who all can use Amaranth millets?

Anybody from new born babies to youngsters to adults to elderly people can consume Amaranth millets. People who are healthy, sick, poor, rich, men, women and of social status can consume the Amaranth millets the way we use Paddy and Wheat.

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Younas Rajpoot



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