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Bulgur wheat is a cracked wheat made by blanching groats (the hulled kernels of the grains) which are then crushed into smaller fragments. It’s commonly used in Middle Eastern dishes such as stews and salads (like tabbouleh), or simmered in milk for a pudding or porridge.
Q: Is bulgur wheat gluten free?
Bulgur wheat is not gluten-free, and should be avoided by those who follow a gluten-free diet. Brown rice is the most similar gluten-free substitute, and quinoa would also work (though it tastes quite different).
Q: How long does it take to cook?
Cooking bulgur wheat doesn’t take much time at all. Coarse bulgur will need to boil in water or broth on the stove for 12 minutes or so, until it’s tender and all the liquid is absorbed. You should then let it stand for 10 minutes, covered and undisturbed, for perfectly fluffy, tender bulgur with a pleasant chewy texture.
Fine bulgur wheat doesn’t need to be cooked at all, and can be soaked in hot water in a heat-safe bowl for 10 to 15 minutes.
Q:What is the ratio of water to bulgur?
The ratio of water to grain is what makes a big difference in cooking. For tender coarse bulgur so that it is perfectly tender and fluffy. To cook 1 cup of dry coarse bulgur wheat, you’ll need 1 ½ cups of liquid. per cup of dry bulgur. Water, chicken broth, or vegetable broth are my favorite liquids for cooking bulgur.
To soak 1 cup of fine bulgur, you’ll need 2 cups of liquid (remember, you do not need to cook fine bulgur for things like tabouli, you simply soak it until it is tender and fluffy). Double the amount of hot liquid for every cup of dry bulgur.
bulgur, also called bulgur wheat, cereal food made of wheat groats that have been parboiled, dried, and ground. Commercial bulgur is usually made from durum wheat, though other wheat species can be used. Bulgur has a nutty flavour and can be served as a side dish, similar to rice or couscous, and is often used in baked goods, pilafs, and soups. As a whole-wheat product, bulgur is a good source of dietary fibre, protein, iron, and vitamin B6 and contains gluten.
Wheat flour is a powder made from the grinding of wheat used for human consumption. Wheat varieties are called “soft” or “weak” if gluten content is low, and are called “hard” or “strong” if they have high gluten content.
Wheat flour is a powder made from grinding wheat, making is usable for human consumption. There are different types of wheat flour, distinguished by the amount of gluten they contain, their color, the parts of the grain used, and the type of wheat. Wheat flour is an essential ingredient in bread, cakes, cookies, and most baked goods.
Fast Facts:
- History: A domestic crop for 10,000 plus years
- Cost: Inexpensive
- Substitutions: Nut flour
Q: What Is Wheat Flour?
Wheat flour is made from grinding up parts of the wheat grain. There are three main parts of the grain:
- The endosperm, or protein/starchy part
- Germ, the rich in protein/fat/vitamin part
- Bran, the fiber-rich part
White flour is made from only the endosperm. Brown flour includes the germ and bran. Whole grain flour includes all three parts. Once each part has been separated, it is ground into a powder. White flour has a naturally yellow-ish color but is often bleached or mixed with oxidizing chemicals to produce a white color.
Wheat is classified by several different characteristics: the season it is grown (spring or winter wheat), its color, whether it is “hard” or “soft,” by the amount of protein it contains, and by the amount of a specific protein, called gluten that it contains. Hard wheat is usually a bronze-color and has a higher gluten content than soft wheat, which is a light golden color.
Gluten is naturally occurring in the wheat. It’s the protein that gives baked goods structure. Glutens develop and become more elastic when the dough is kneaded. Strong flours are those made from hard, high-protein wheat. They have higher gluten content. Flours that are made from low-protein, softer wheat are called weak flour and have less gluten.
There are a number of wheat flours, including:
- All-purpose flour
- Bread flour
- Cake flour
- Pastry flour
- Self-rising flour
- Whole wheat flour
Flour Uses:
Flour is an essential ingredient for most home chefs. You can use it to make bread, baked goods, pancakes, and more. Additionally, it can be used to thicken sauces or create a roux. Flour is also used for coating foods like fried chicken or cutlets. Finally, flour is a key ingredient in making pasta.
Q: How to Cook With Flour?
Flour should be used according to the recipe and its specific use. For tender baked goods, it can be helpful to sift the flour into the mixing bowl. For baked goods like bread, the flour mixture will need to kneaded and often will need time rest. This will help activate the gluten proteins.
Q: What Does It Taste Like?
Raw flour should not be eaten. Flour is a raw agricultural product, so it has not been treated to kill germs. If there are any bacteria present in flour, they are killed when food made with flour is cooked. White flour does not have an odor while whole wheat flours may smell a little nutty.
Flour Substitute:
There are many wheat flour substitutes on the market. One major reason for swapping out flour is gluten sensitivity or intolerance. Soy flour, wheat germ, cornmeal, oat flour, spelt flour, and quinoa flour are just some of the wheat flour substitutes available. The flour substitute to use will depend on the recipe, your taste preference, and availability.
Flour Recipes:
Flour is essential in most baked goods but is also a key ingredient in gravies, sauces, pasta, and other tasty foods.
- Round White Bread
- Homemade Spinach Pasta Dough
- Simple and Delicious Homemade Gravy
Q: Where to Buy Wheat Flour?
Wheat flour can be found in any grocery store in the baking aisle. It usually comes in sealed thick paper-based containers. Make sure the packaging is not ripped and take care when transporting it home from the store. Open flour can cause a big mess. For alternative flours or specialty flours like pastry flour, a baking store, better grocery store, or online retailer will stock these items.
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Thanks with the best wishes
Younas Rajpoot
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