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RMY Natural Aquamarine Mix LOT,RMY Loose Gemstone,RMY Natural Blue Aquamarine 1 Ct, RMY Certified Healing Energy Crystal Mineral Rock Rough Aquamarine Stone.

250.00 450.00

Chemical Classification Silicate
Color Greenish blue to blue (color almost always has been improved by heat treatment)
Streak Colorless (harder than the streak plate)
Luster Vitreous
Ct 1
Specific Gravity 2.6 to 2.8
Diagnostic Properties Crystals are prismatic, often with flat terminations, hexagonal, and without striations. Hardness and relatively low specific gravity.
Chemical Composition Be3Al2Si6O18
Crystal System Hexagonal (often occurs in prismatic to tabular crystals with a hexagonal cross section)
Uses Aquamarine has a hardness and durability that makes it suitable for all jewelry uses
Brand RMY
Material Aquamarine


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We Are biggest manufacturer of Gems & Minerals .We have also more then 100000 Gems & Minerals companies and warehouses in Pakistan,Germany and Poland , also can provide you home deliveries with small quantities also no problem.

Description :

  • RMY Aquamarine is the name used for gem-quality specimens of the mineral beryl within a color range of greenish blue . The name is used regardless of a stone’s tone or saturation. So, aquamarines can range from a very light, almost imperceptible color to stones with a rich vibrant color.
  • RMY aquamarine has a very light color, which can be almost unnoticeable in very small stones. Stones with a rich blue color are the most popular. They are also the rarest and most valuable. RMY Aquamarine is such a popular gemstone that it can be found in almost any jewelry store in the Pakistan.


  • RMY Aquamarine has a Mohs hardness of 7.5 to 8, making it one of the harder gemstones. Diamond, ruby, sapphire, topaz, and chrysoberyl are the only popular gemstones that are significantly harder. Hardness is a property that enables a gem to resist scratching. RMY aquamarine’s tenacity is rated as brittle – which means that the gem can be easily chipped upon impact. A mounting that guards the stone from impact and not wearing the gem during activities that might result in accidental impact are important precautions.


  •  RMY price of aquamarine is mainly determined by weight and the strength of its color. Gems with a faint blue color are abundant and inexpensive. Gems with a rich blue color are much more expensive because rich color in aquamarine is very rare. A small aquamarine with a rich blue color will cost a lot more than identical-size stones with a faint blue color.

Size :

  • RMY Aquamarine is available in a wide range of sizes. As the size of the gem increases, the strength of its apparent color will also increase. It can be difficult to find a small gem with a rich blue color, but as the size of the stone increases, the opportunity to find strong color also increases.

Aquamarine Color and Treatment :

  • RMY aquamarine has a chemical composition of Be3Al2Si6O18. Pure beryl is colorless. The greenish blue to blue color of aquamarine is caused by trace amounts of iron.
  • RMY Ferrous iron (Fe2+) is responsible for blue color, and ferric iron (Fe3+) is responsible for yellow color (which combines with the blue color to produce greenish blue).RMY Most natural aquamarine has a greenish blue color. Gentle heat treatment can remove the yellow color and transform the gem’s color to a more pure and more valuable blue.

Faceted Aquamarine:

RMY aquamarine ranges from a blue color that is so faint that it is almost imperceptible to a blue color that is rich and vibrant. There is an enormous difference in price between a stone with a faint blue color and a similar stone with a vibrant blue color. Shop with that in mind. Many people find a stone that fits their budget in the middle of the color range.


  • As the saying goes ‘Beauty speaks for itself’, beauty is a highly subjective term and also one of the most strongest ones. Beauty is the one thing each human is searching for, no matter what his/her definition of beauty is. Beauty soothes the mind, calms the eyes, gives satisfaction and makes life meaningful. Beauty inspires and this is exactly what marks its importance. Nature has made everything beautiful in its own way – lush, green forests, clear blue skies, majestic peaks, mystic oceans etc. Just as breathtaking and priceless is what lies beneath and above these things – the fossil fuels, the beautiful marine life, the blooming plants, the deep buried and freely floating minerals etc.
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Q 1 : What Is Aquamarine ?

Answer : Aquamarine is a member of the Beryl species. It is the blue variety of Beryl. Other types of Beryl are Emerald (green variety), Morganite (pink variety) and Heliodor (yellow variety). Trace elements of Iron in Beryl give it the blue color it is so coveted for. Its name is derived from Latin word “Aqua Marina” meaning “Water of the Sea” and the name is very apt, as Aquamarine’s greenish blue hues are very reminiscent of the ocean. Aquamarine can range from a very light blue (almost colorless) through to a deep Blue or Greenish Blue.

Q2:  Is Aquamarine Worth Anything ?

Answer : Aquamarine prices and values have a wide range and are denoted by the 4 C’s of quality, just like Diamonds. Color is the most important value factor. Aquamarine can range from a very pale greenish blue (almost colorless) through to a deep, intense Blue or Greenish Blue. The lighter colors are more common and therefore less valuable. The deeper colors command premium prices and can reach up to $1000 per carat in today’s market. Clarity is very important with Aquamarine as it is a GIA Type 1 classified gemstone. As such it is expected to be free of inclusions. Aquamarines that contain inclusions or flaws, especially ones that are eye visible are marked down in price significantly.


Q 3 :What is the Spiritual Meaning of Aquamarine?

Answer : Aquamarine is a very spiritual gemstone. It is the stone of empowerment and in aligning oneself with the yielding, resilient vitality of life. It enhances women’s intuitive abilities, and aids men to express their inner feelings. In ancient lore and metaphysics, Aquamarine is believed to bring numerous benefits to the wearer. It is believed to be a calming influence, inspires trust and truth in the wearer and allows the wearer to let go of their cares and worries. It mirrors the calming influence of the sea. In fact, sailors in past centuries believed it to be the treasure of mermaids and carried Aquamarine crystals to keep them safe at sea. Even today, it protects all who travel over water. In Eastern metaphysics, Aquamarine is associated with the Throat Chakra and is used to overcome the fear of public speaking. It also promotes moderation and responsibility in the wearer

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