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- a common surgical tool for cutting or dissecting tissues.
- used to cut loose tissues, the blades stabilize the tissues during cutting
- provides very good control of depth and direction of cutting.
- more traumatic than scalpel because they crush during cutting.
- contolled use of tissue scissors during scissor cutting, push cutting and blunt dissection
RMY Skills to Practice
- wide-based tripod grip
- accurate scissor cutting
- controlled push cutting
- accurate, efficient blunt dissection
RMY Basics
- scissors are classified according to
- tips (sharp-sharp, blunt-blunt, sharp-blunt)
- blade shape (straight or curved)
- cutting edge (normal or serrated)
- blunt-blunt tips with a normal cutting edge are typically used
- straight scissors provide more mechanical advantage for cutting thick or tough tissue
- curved scissors allow greater maneuverability and visibility
- Wide base tripod grip
- most efficient hold
- thumb and ring finger through the rings
- middle finger is placed on top of the finger ring
- index finger is placed along handles towards fulcrum (improves control of tips)
- avoid putting fingers too far into rings as limits maneuverability and comfort (stay above first knuckle)
- avoid putting index or middle finger though ring as decreases stability and efficiency
- left-handed surgeons: most adapt to using scissors with right hand but left handed scissors are available
RMY Backhand grip
- typically used for cutting from left to right (less awkward)
- thumb and middle finger through the rings with handle resting on third and fourth fingers
- can be modified when cutting fowards body
- thumb and index finger through the rings
- more comfortable efficient and controlled
How to Use
RMY Scissor cutting
- more traumatic than scalpel but gives excellent control
RMY Technique:
- blades partially closed over tissue and elevated slightly (stabilizes tissues)
- tips closed to cut the tissue
- only use the tips
- more crushing trauma and jagged edges if entire blade used
When continuing an incision
- tips are not closed completely
- blades are re-opened, tips advanced and more tissue cut
- continues for entire incision length
- avoids creating a series of jagged cut
RMY Push cutting
- efficient cutting method
- used for longer incisions in light fascia
RMY Technique:
- begins with a scissor blades partially closed (tip still open)
- continue by pushing the nearly closed blade forward through the tissue
- tissue is cut in one continuous motion without further opening/closing of the blades
- scissors should advance easily without tearing the tissue or technique is abandoned
RMY Blunt dissection
- used to separate fine tissue attachments between anatomic tissue planes and isolate delicate structures
- nice for separating muscles, fat and fine fascial planes
- more traumatic than sharp dissection (scalpel or scissor)
- creates more dead space
- not for dividing strong fascial attachments
RMY Technique
- closed tips of the scissors are inserted into tissue
- blades are opened separating (tearing) loose tissue connections
- scissors tips are removed without closing the blades to prevent uncontrolled cutting
- the process is repeated as needed
- In surgical procedures, some equipment is of great importance, for instance, scissors. In surgeries, surgical scissors help in opening or cutting of organs and tissues present inside the body or on surfaces.Scissors have blades that can be curved or straight. They have sharp edges at the working ends that help in the dissection of tissues. They are of different sizes and shapes with different blades or extent of bluntness. Surgeons use different sizes and shapes of scissors as per the requirement of the procedures and operations.
RMY Uses of Scissors in Surgical Field
The notable advantages of scissors in surgical operations are:
• These are beneficial to use while removing or applying bandages on wounds. It also helps to cut materials such as non-biological or adoptive parts.
• Scissors also help to cut papers during operations.
• While adding or removing the stitches, surgical scissors are used.
• It helps in the cutting and removal of sutures.
• Dissecting scissors also helps to differentiate between tissues and in isolation of tissues in order to get more precision during procedures.
• In eye surgeries, scissors that are used are known as iris scissors. These are very delicate in design and help to remove lesions.RMY Handling of Scissors
In order to hold the scissors, the ring finger of the right hand and right thumb are involved. One can hold them just like the needle drivers. In case, if the arm is pronated or supinated then this holding position helps to balance the scissors.
It is not recommended to grasp the scissors by middle finger and thumb as it is a wrong holding position. Because it will cause you to lose balance and the scissor’s tip can slide towards the other side. The index finger helps to balance or control the scissor while doing operations.RMY Widely Used Scissors in the Surgical Field
The major types are:
1.RMY Mayo Scissors
These are available in two forms such as curved or straight. These are also known as suture scissors.
2. RMY Mayo Scissors Straight
Different procedures and settings require a functional instrument. This type of Mayo scissors is used to dissect the tissues present in the body or on the surfaces. But it totally depends on the surgeons whether they use straight or curved as per the need of the operation or the preferences. It comes in different lengths, sizes, and blunt tips.
3.RMY Mayo Scissors Curved
This type of scissors is used to cut sutures or used in dressing procedures such as while applying or removing bandages on wounds. Different procedures require various scissors and their settings, with the bent type used in dissecting the deep tissues. It consists of sharp and blunt working ends.
4. RMY Metzenbaum Scissor
It is also known as “Metz” which serves the purpose of cutting and dissecting. Mostly they are present as curved types.
The uses of Metz Scissors are:
• Can pierce or cut delicate tissue.
• Can be found in various sizes (regular or long).5. RMY Iris Scissors
It is much smoother than Metz scissors and can pierce tissues into fine structures. Iris scissors are available in blunt, small, and straight forms.
6. RMY Potts Scissor
It is beneficial to use them in venotomy procedures. These are angled scissors and can help to cut tissues into vascular structures.
RMY Sharpening of Scissors Before Surgical Procedure
Surgical equipment and its sharpness should be maintained. Every healthcare facility should design and schedule the testing of scissors in order to avoid complications in surgeries.
• With the help of the middle finger of the right hand and right thumb hold the scissors just like a surgeon holds while doing operations.
• All the way to the distal tip, use only half of the blade of the scissor for piercing of materials.
• After making several cuts, retrieve the scissors. These are considered sharp if they don’t pick or hang on to the material.
• Ideal surgical scissors work smoothly without any grind, jump, or have loose rather when opening or closing.RMY Standard Sharp/Sharp
Standard surgical scissors in RMY , surgical stainless steel, for your everyday laboratory work. Available straight or curved in various length. Sharp surgical scissors cut tougher tissue and are frequently used for dissecting. Our standard surgical scissors are recognized for these important features:
- Special alloy that gives their cutting edges long life and superior sharpness.
- Excellent feel and handling capability.
- Overall execution that marks them as fine examples of German workmanship
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A:These materialsincrease the strengthstiffnessdurability of the instruments while reducing their weight. New types of plastics and polymers with enhanced shape retention properties can withstand high heat and radiation, allowing for effective device sterilization. -
Q:What are surgical scissors called?
A:Suture ScissorsStraight Mayos are often called “Suture Scissors.” Metzenbaum scissors or “Metz” are used for fine dissection and cutting. They are most frequently slightly curved. A common mistake is to use Metzenbaums to cut suture, which dulls the scissors and renders then less useful for dissection.A:Tenotomy scissors. Metzenbaum scissors. Plastic surgery (facelift) scissors. Mayo scissors.Q:What do surgical scissors do?
A:Surgeons use surgical scissors during an operation in order to cut tissues at the surface or inside the human body. The blades can be either curved or straight. The effect of tissue dissection is achieved when the sharpened edges slide against each other when the bows opposite to the joint are closed.A:Stainless steel grades for surgical instruments
Stainless steel (sometimes referred to as inox steel) is one of the most commonly used metal alloys in the manufacture of surgical implements
A:Instruments can be classified in many ways – but broadly speaking, there are five kinds of instruments.- Cutting and dissecting instruments: Scalpels, scissors, and saws are the most traditional. …
- Grasping or holding instruments: …
- Hemostatic instruments: …
- Retractors: …
- Tissue unifying instruments and materials:
A:Stitch Scissors are primarily used for suture removal. These scissors have a small hook shaped tip on one blade that slides under sutures to slightly lift them before cutting for removal.
Thanks with the best wishes
Younas RajpootCEO
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