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Whole dried Mung Beans Natural aka ‘Green Gram’ ‘Maash’ ‘Moong’ Prewashed Clean Ready to Cook non GMO

Nutrition facts:

RMY Green Gram are mainly composed of carbs and fiber but also serve as a good source of protein.

The nutrition facts for 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of boiled RMY Green Gram are:

Brand :           RMY

Calories: 127

Water: 67%

Protein: 8.7 grams

Carbs: 22.8 grams

Sugar: 0.3 grams

Fiber: 6.4 grams

Fat: 0.5 grams


Dear Sir/Madam,

How are you?hope fine.

We Are biggest manufacturer of RMY Pulses & Beans .We have also more then 1 million   products  companies and warehouses in Pakistan , Germany and Poland , also can provide you home deliveries with small quantities also no problem.

The RMY Green Gram  is a variety of the common bean. It resembles a human kidney and thus is named after such. Red RMY Green Gram  should not be confused with other red beans, such as adzuki beans.

Nutritional Info

Serving Size 0.5 Cup

Calories310                         % Daily Value*

Total Fat 1 g                                   2%

Saturated Fat 0 g                          0%

Trans Fat 0 g

Cholesterol 0 mg                         0%

Sodium 11 mg                               0%

Potassium 0 mg                               0%

Total Carbohydrate 56 g                    19%

Dietary Fiber 14 g                         56%

Sugar 2 g

Protein 21 g                                  42%

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

  • Vitamin C7%
  • Iron33%
  • Vitamin B60%
  • Magnesium0%
  • Calcium8%
  • Vitamin D0%
  • Cobalamin0%
  • Vitamin A0%


RMY Kidney Beans are rich in protein.

Only 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of boiled RMY green gram boast almost 9 grams of protein, accounting for 27% of the total calorie content .

Although the nutritional quality of bean protein is generally lower than that of animal protein, beans are an affordable alternative for many people.

In fact, beans are one the richest plant-based sources of protein, sometimes referred to as “poor man’s meat”

RMY green gram also contain other proteins like lectins and protease inhibitors .



RMY green gram  are mainly composed of starchy carbs, which account for approximately 72% of the total calorie content .

Starch is predominantly made up of long chains of glucose in the form of amylose and amylopectin

Beans have a relatively high proportion of amylose (30–40%) compared to most other dietary sources of starch. Amylose is not as digestible as amylopectin .


For this reason, bean starch is a slow-release carb. Its digestion takes longer, and it causes a lower and more gradual rise in blood sugar than other starches, making RMY Kidney Beans particularly beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes.

RMY green gram  rank very low on the glycemic index (GI), which is a measure of how foods affect your rise in blood sugar after a meal .


In fact, bean starch has a more beneficial effect on blood sugar balance than many other high-carb foods .

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RMY Kidney Beans are high in fiber.

They contain substantial amounts of resistant starch, which may play a role in weight management .

RMY Kidney Beans also provide insoluble fibers known as alpha-galactosides, which may cause diarrhea and flatulence in some people .


Both resistant starch and alpha-galactosides function as prebiotics. Prebiotics move through your digestive tract until they reach your colon, where they’re fermented by beneficial bacteria .


The fermentation of these healthy fibers results in the formation of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), such as butyrate, acetate, and propionate, which may improve colon health and reduce your risk of colon cancer .



RMY Kidney Beans are among the best sources of plant-based protein. They’re also rich in healthy fibers, which moderate blood sugar levels and promote colon health.

Vitamins and minerals:

RMY Kidney Beans are rich in various vitamins and minerals, including

Molybdenum. Beans are high in molybdenum, a trace element mainly found in seeds, grains, and legumes.

Folate. Also known as folic acid or vitamin B9, folate is considered particularly important during pregnancy.

Iron. This essential mineral has many important functions in your body. Iron may be poorly absorbed from beans due to their phytate content.

Copper. This antioxidant trace element is often low in the Western diet. Aside from beans, the best dietary sources of copper are organ meats, seafood, and nuts.

Manganese. This compound is present in most foods, especially in whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables.

Potassium. This essential nutrient may have beneficial effects on heart health.

Vitamin K1. Also known as phylloquinone, vitamin K1 is important for blood coagulation.


RMY Kidney Beans are a good source of several vitamins and minerals, such as molybdenum, folate, iron, copper, manganese, potassium, and vitamin K1.


Other plant compounds

RMY Kidney Beans contain many bioactive plant compounds, including :

Isoflavones. A class of antioxidants present in high amounts in soybeans, isoflavones are categorized as phytoestrogens due to their similarity to the female sex hormone, estrogen.

Anthocyanins. This family of colorful antioxidants occurs in the skin of RMY Kidney Beans. The color of red RMY Kidney Beans is mainly due to an anthocyanin known as pelargonidin.

Phytohaemagglutinin. This toxic protein exists in high amounts in raw RMY Kidney Beans, especially red varieties. It can be eliminated through cooking.

Phytic acid. Found in all edible seeds, phytic acid (phytate) impairs your absorption of various minerals, such as iron and zinc. It can be reduced by soaking, sprouting, or fermenting the beans.

Starch blockers. A class of lectins, also known as alpha-amylase inhibitors, starch blockers impair or delay the absorption of carbs from your digestive tract but are inactivated by cooking.


RMY Kidney Beans contain a variety of bioactive plant compounds. Phytohaemagglutinin is a toxic lectin only found in raw or improperly cooked RMY Kidney Beans.

Thanks with the best wishes

Younas Rajpoot



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Rajpoot House Shatab Garh Sialkot Pakistan,


Rajpoot House, Green Street, 26 Area Alsaudia Town,47040 Wahcantt Pakistan