RMY Himalayan Iron Salt Lamps Benefits &Lamp Uses, RMY Himalayan Salt Round Iron Basket.
Benefits Himalayan Iron Salt Lamps:
- Helps clean and purify the air
- Reduces electromagnetic pollution
- Known to improve mood and concentration
- Helpful for asthma and upper respiratory problems
- Has a soothing and calming effect
- Helps alleviate feelings of depression
- Reduces fatigue
- Assists with natural healing processes
RMY Himalayan Iron Natural Salt lamps can be used anywhere, where the air need to be cleaned or an odour need to be controlled. Salt lamps can help eliminate odours around smoking areas, litter boxes, kitchens areas and anywhere you want to restore a fresh and clean air environment.Small Salt Crystals Lamps are more effective in a small personal space setting. The ambient effect of the negative irons is perfect for personal computer workstation or office desk. However, if you smoke you may need a larger or multiple small lamps to eliminate the odour of the cigarettes.It is recommended that the lamp be lit every day for best air purifying results. Salt crystal lamp can also be left on as long as possible to maintain the constant negative ionizing process and to repel excess moisture around the area.If you plan not to use the lamp for long period of time just put a plastic bag over the lamp to protect it from humidity and moisture.
If you have ever experienced the air at a waterfall, on a mountain top, at the seashore, or after a thunderstorm, then you have experienced the results of negative ions and you know how the air smells fresher and how much easier it is to breathe.
Himalayan Iron natural salt lamps can:
Provide relief from hay fever, asthma, allergies and sinuses related illnesses
Reduce stress and depression
Increase mental alertness and concentration
Enhance immune system
Purify air
Eliminate odour around from smoking area
Reduce EMF (Electro-magnetic pollution)
Aid in healing process
Create soothing, relaxing, calming and refreshing environment
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