RMY Himalayan Natural White Salt Lamps 200-300kg ,RMY Best Quality White Salt Lamps 200-300kg.
Himalayan Salt Lamps and How Do They Work
For those of you who may be unfamiliar with Himalayan salt lamps and the positive benefits that may have on your everyday life, becoming more familiar with them is the first step to understanding how they will improve Yoga for you.Himalayan Salt Lamps are made from pink salt that is mined at the Himalayan mountain range! That salt is then cut and fitted in order to contain a lighting fixture within it. These lamps are then sold all over the world! But what makes these lamps so special?Well, when a bulb is added to the lamp, it does two things. First, the light source shining within the pink salt lamp emits a calming glow that appears to be anywhere between pink and orange. In contrast to normal lamps, this pinkish glow is incredibly soothing and relaxing. You can see how it can already help improve Yoga with a calming glow that improves your focus! Secondly, adding a source of heat to the pink Himalayan salt allows the salt to react with the air molecules around it creating negative ions! Negative ions have a ton of benefits that can improve the way that you feel!Himalayan Salt Lamps are made from pieces of Himalayan salt crystals. They serve as beautiful interior decorations and act as natural sources of light. However, the many diverse functions of Himalayan salt extend far beyond aesthetics. Combined with a light source inside the lamps, the chunks of salt produce negative ions, which yield positive effects on indoor air. Placing a Himalayan salt lamp in every room of the home can reap several health and environmental benefits. Among other things, they can: Everyday appliances such as televisions, cell phones, computers and tablets release positive ions into the air constantly. These and other common electronics can cause an overflow of electromagnetic radiation (EM), which, although invisible, is believed to cause some serious long-term effects. Constant exposure to EM radiation is known primarily to cause fatigue, increase stress and weaken the immune system. Himalayan salt lamps emit negative ions and cancel out positive ones. Therefore, by neutralizing electromagnetic radiation, they help reduce artificial frequencies and even prevent static buildup.Cilia are the finite hairs that line the windpipe and act like microscopic breathing filters. According to studies, positive ions decrease cilial activity while, conversely, negative ions have a more increasing and positive effect. Himalayan salt lamps are therefore believed to improve breathing by releasing negative ions that filter foreign particles and keep the lungs cleaner in general.Himalayan pink salt lamps help clean the air through an operation called hygroscopy, which attracts and absorbs contaminated water molecules from the immediate environment and locks them into the salt crystal. The process has the amazing ability to remove cigarette smoke, dust and other contaminants from the air. This benefit is particularly popular, as salty air acts as an overall health booster and can help clear the air passages. Himalayan salt lamps are believed to filter dust, mold, mildew and pet dander from indoor air. Just as a nasal saline spray uses salt to clear airways, they help to relieve allergy symptoms of all kinds. Those who struggle with asthma also claim to benefit from Himalayan salt. It is such an effective breathing aid that certain manufacturers have produced Himalayan salt inhalers targeted toward sufferers of asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory issues. All electronic equipment—such as computers, scanners, printers, fit bits, smart phones—emit electromagnetic radiation. Most homes today typically have a moderate to high concentration of electronics. This means that most family members have constant exposure to electromagnetic radiation.Studies have shown that this constant exposure increases your cortisol levels, resulting in fatigue, higher stress, reduced concentration and lower immunity. Himalayan salt lamps counterbalance the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation by releasing a small radius of beneficial negative ions into the air.The best place for your salt lamp is close to your electronic equipment, such as your desk, television and game consoles. Not only will it help to counteract electromagnetic radiation, but it will cleanse the air, reducing your risk of colds, flu, chest infections etc.Sitting in front of a computer or TV we are bombarded with electromagnetic frequencies. When we watch TV or work at our computer we are exposed to frequencies that vibrate much faster than that of our brain. The result is a lack of concentration, nervousness and insomnia. Salt lamps bind the excessive positive ions with their negative ions. They help to neutralise the electro-smog in the room. Himalayan salt, which is used to create Himalayan Salt Lamps, is one of today’s most sought after items in the world of nutrition and holistic health. Over the years, researchers and health experts have discovered a plethora of uses for this incredible product. Salt lamps are ideal for daily use near televisions and computers, around smokers, in offices with air-conditioning, in fact anywhere you want to restore or preserve the natural air quality. Himalayan Salt Lamps are a beautiful and natural alternative to artificial ionizers.Due to their beautiful and rich colours, salt lamps are also used in colour therapy, i.e. chromo therapy. Salt lamps have also been appreciated by Feng Shui art connoisseurs. The lamps are hand excavated from salt deposits at the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains and great care is taken to retain their natural beauty. Even when the lamps are cool, they have some beneficial effect, but when lamps or tea lights are lit, the gentle heat they generate produces a far higher number of negative ions.WHAT IS CRYSTAL SALT LAMPSBasically crystal salt lamps are known as salt lamp commonly. Crystal salt lamp is totally made from Himalayan rock salt and a light is inserted inside the lamp. A wooden base and wire is also connected with lamp. It is known as salt lamp. They are made from natural salt that comes from mines. The manufacturer takes out salt from mines and then makes lamps from them by forming different shapes from them.WHY SHOULD WE USE SALT LAMPWe are living in a fast and electronic environment. Our different work are relate to electronic machines. These machines make our life easier in our offices, homes and working places but the bad thing is that these electronic machines produce positive ions that are very dangerous for human beings. EMF is very dangerous for our health. There is pollution in our environment nowadays. These positive ions also effect on our moods and fitness. We use many electronic things like: Computer monitor, Television, Vacuum cleaner, Microwave oven, Electronic heater, Dryer, Refrigerator. You can use ionizer to fresher you room but these are expensive and difficult to use but the salt lamps on the other hand are economical.WHAT IS IONIonize are the vitamins of the air. Negative ions make the: Air clean and fresh, Healthy for human beings, Reduces allergy, Control bacteria of pet animals. These negative ions are very good for our health and fitness. Negative ions can be produce with a source of energy like in a very: High temperature, Fire, Radio-activity, Friction, Evaporation, Glowing hot object. Crystal salt that is in his natural form produces negative ions for human beings but when we add a light inside the salt crystal then it produces more and more negative ions in a high rate that become more effective for us. Negative ions are very essential in places like artificial places, air conditioned rooms and in polluted area.PRODUCTION OF SALT LAMPThese lamps are made with hands and some machines are used to shape them in a proper way. In this simple way, a beautiful, mind blowing and attractive crystal lamp is ready for us. The salt lamps are available in different and beautiful colors like off white, apricot and warm pink. A small light is inserted into the lamps that enlightens the lamp and make it warm. Then the lamp produces negative ions and gives us light. Ions are also called the vitamins of the air on which our body cell builds and make air fresh and clean. Nowadays, we are living a polluted and mechanized life. Salt lamps play a significant role in making the air fresh.Himalayan salt, which is used to create Himalayan Salt Lamps, is one of today’s most sought after items in the world of nutrition and holistic health. Over the years, researchers and health experts have discovered a plethora of uses for this incredible product. Salt lamps are ideal for daily use near televisions and computers, around smokers, in offices with air-conditioning, in fact anywhere you want to restore or preserve the natural air quality. Himalayan Salt Lamps are a beautiful and natural alternative to artificial ionizers.Due to their beautiful and rich colours, salt lamps are also used in colour therapy, i.e. chromo therapy. Salt lamps have also been appreciated by Feng Shui art connoisseurs. The lamps are hand excavated from salt deposits at the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains and great care is taken to retain their natural beauty. Even when the lamps are cool, they have some beneficial effect, but when lamps or tea lights are lit, the gentle heat they generate produces a far higher number of negative ions.WHAT IS CRYSTAL SALT LAMPSBasically crystal salt lamps are known as salt lamp commonly. Crystal salt lamp is totally made from Himalayan rock salt and a light is inserted inside the lamp. A wooden base and wire is also connected with lamp. It is known as salt lamp. They are made from natural salt that comes from mines. The manufacturer takes out salt from mines and then makes lamps from them by forming different shapes from them.WHY SHOULD WE USE SALT LAMPWe are living in a fast and electronic environment. Our different work are relate to electronic machines. These machines make our life easier in our offices, homes and working places but the bad thing is that these electronic machines produce positive ions that are very dangerous for human beings. EMF is very dangerous for our health. There is pollution in our environment nowadays. These positive ions also effect on our moods and fitness. We use many electronic things like: Computer monitor, Television, Vacuum cleaner, Microwave oven, Electronic heater, Dryer, Refrigerator. You can use ionizer to fresher you room but these are expensive and difficult to use but the salt lamps on the other hand are economical.WHAT IS IONIonize are the vitamins of the air. Negative ions make the: Air clean and fresh, Healthy for human beings, Reduces allergy, Control bacteria of pet animals. These negative ions are very good for our health and fitness. Negative ions can be produce with a source of energy like in a very: High temperature, Fire, Radio-activity, Friction, Evaporation, Glowing hot object. Crystal salt that is in his natural form produces negative ions for human beings but when we add a light inside the salt crystal then it produces more and more negative ions in a high rate that become more effective for us. Negative ions are very essential in places like artificial places, air conditioned rooms and in polluted area.PRODUCTION OF SALT LAMPThese lamps are made with hands and some machines are used to shape them in a proper way. In this simple way, a beautiful, mind blowing and attractive crystal lamp is ready for us. The salt lamps are available in different and beautiful colors like off white, apricot and warm pink. A small light is inserted into the lamps that enlightens the lamp and make it warm. Then the lamp produces negative ions and gives us light. Ions are also called the vitamins of the air on which our body cell builds and make air fresh and clean. Nowadays, we are living a polluted and mechanized life. Salt lamps play a significant role in making the air fresh.DESIGNING OF SALT LAMPSHimalayan salts are producing many salt lamps of different sizes and shapes. Himalayan salts helps to produce at least 300 shapes of lamps that are hand craved. Enjoy the mind blowing beauty of salt. These lamps are available in these shapes like full moon shaped lamp, cylinder shaped salt lamp, lotus flower shaped salt lamp, flame shaped salt lamp, bowl shaped lamp, diamond shaped salt lamp, bear shaped salt lamp, dinosaur shaped salt lamp, elephant shaped salt lamp, monkey shaped salt lamp, cat shaped salt lamp etc. These salt lamps are also available with religious crafts like ALLAH Almighty salt lamp, praying hand shaped salt lamp and religious salt lamp like church salt lamp, cross salt lamp etc.NATURAL SALT LAMPRock salt lamp looks beautiful, gorgeous and makes the area pretty where they are placed. It makes your room decorated. It dims light create a very romantic and soothing environment. If the light is switched off and on, it looks a unique piece of art.LIFE OF SALT LAMPThe lamp has long life but the light bulb that is used inside the lamp need to be replaced time to time. You can purchase the light bulb easily from any local shop.Health BenefitsIons are molecules or items of oxygen with or without electrons. An electronically charged molecule is called a negative ion, whereas a molecule that has lost its electrons (Generally due to polluted air caused mainly by electronic appliances functioning indoor.) are called positive ion which effectively neutralize or kill the harmful positive ions in these surrounding areas.Negative ions have a positive effect on human health as they provide cure from allergies, hay fever, cold flue, asthmatic attacks, headaches, sinus, annoyance, stress, anxiety, migraine and diseases of sexual sphere.Moreover, they decrease the tension and strain by enriching the immune system, increase the lungs capacity, enhance attentiveness and boost the efficiency.Scientific StudiesA series of scientific studies show that salt crystal lamps can increase the negative ion count lay up to 300% in nature negative ions are created by means of wind, sunlight, surf, water falls and rainstorms.In fresh country air we find up to 4000 negative ions per cubic centimeters the size of a sugar cube.Near strong surf or close to a water fall up to 10000 negative ions can be found, however the number of negative ions in major capital cities at rush hours does not even reach 100. It is scientifically proved that Ayub Salt Lamps produced negative ions as founded in fresh air.Medical BenefitsNatural salt have been used by the medical community since the medical times and to this day are thought to reduce bronchial congestion, asthma, insomnia, depression, allergies, viruses, sinusitis and migraines by emitting negative ions, significantly reduce a myriad of indoor air pollutants.Negative ions have known benefits and may provide relief from sinus, migraine, headaches, allergies and hay fever, reduce the severity of asthma attacks, enhance the immune system, increase alertness, increase work productivity and concentration, increase lung capacity and reduce susceptibility to cold and flue.Because of their color they are also use in color therapy.
You can find high-quality salt lamps here at Purlife!
The Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt LampsHimalayan Salt Lamps have a wide array of health benefits that range from reducing allergy symptoms to helping you focus during your Yoga session, all of which are all thanks to negative ions. Negative Ions are produced when water molecules in the air come in contact with the Himalayan Salt Lamp and evaporate from the warm surface.Keeping a Himalayan Salt Lamp near you while you practice Yoga can help you:
- Reduce Asthma and Allergy Symptoms – Negative Ions help purify the air around you which can reduce the number of allergens that you breathe in every day.
- Enrich your Surroundings with Negative Ions – Negative Ions are thought to enrich the air around you. Areas with incredibly high concentrations of Negative Ions such as the near the beach or deep in nature are thought to make you feel better.
- Helps You Concentrate During Your Session – The dim glow of Himalayan Salt Lamps helps you become more mindful and improve your focus by setting the mood for your Yoga session.
Using a Himalayan Salt Lamp during your Yoga session will ultimately help you achieve a stronger, healthier body as you work to improve your flexibility and mental fortitude through Yoga.which is used to create Himalayan Salt Lamps, is one of today’s most sought after items in the world of nutrition and holistic health. Over the years, researchers and health experts have discovered a plethora of uses for this incredible product. Salt lamps are ideal for daily use near televisions and computers, around smokers, in offices with air-conditioning, in fact anywhere you want to restore or preserve the natural air quality. Himalayan Salt Lamps are a beautiful and natural alternative to artificial ionizers.Due to their beautiful and rich colours, salt lamps are also used in colour therapy, i.e. chromo therapy. Salt lamps have also been appreciated by Feng Shui art connoisseurs. The lamps are hand excavated from salt deposits at the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains and great care is taken to retain their natural beauty. Even when the lamps are cool, they have some beneficial effect, but when lamps or tea lights are lit, the gentle heat they generate produces a far higher number of negative ions.
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