RMY Himalayan Natural White Salt Lamps 70-80kg ,RMY Best Himalayan salt lamps white salt lamps70-80kg.
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Himalayan Crystal Salt Lamps are a wonderful addition to any indoor space. The lamps offer a comforting, warm glow while providing a soothing ambiance.These lamps are natural ionizers and air cleansers as they emit negatively charged ions, which, research has shown, have health benefits for the human body. One of the most significant advantages of having a salt lamp is that it offers protection from harmful electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation is made up of invisible force fields which can have a detrimental effect on our beings, potentially weakening our immune systems, throwing us off balance, increasing susceptibility to stress, causing insomnia and disturbed cardiac patterns. These effects should not be underestimated. In extreme cases, electromagnetic radiation can facilitate unexplained health symptoms.Our modern environments seem to be becoming increasingly bombarded with unhelpful electromagnetic frequency sources, including cell phone towers, computers, televisions, microwaves and air conditioners. It is not only wise, it is essential, to protect your self and your family from these frequencies.Negative Ions have been found to reduce and clear the symptoms of asthma, hay fever, and sinus problems. Negative ions seem to have a positive effect on the sleep hormone melatonin, and help to balance the serotonin levels in the blood. This helps to induce a restful, relaxed and peaceful state of being. Improved sleep is often one of the first benefits that people notice after they have introduced a salt lamp into their bedroom.
Places to Use:
- In offices placed tastefully or on a desk next to a computer
- In a bedroom next to the bed (excellent as night light for children)
- In a lounge as a feature or next to a television
- In reception areas of buildings to create a welcoming ambience
- In a kitchen next to a fridge, microwave, blender or juicer
- In gyms or sports clubs to enhance recovery from exercise
- In health spas to cleanse the air and create a comforting vibe
- In massage rooms to create a peaceful ambience
- In meditation rooms to enhance alpha brain wave state
- In hotel rooms to cleanse the air of odors and dust
- In hospitals to enhance the healing process
- In waiting rooms to calm and relax patients
- In smoking areas to clear the smoke from the air
Care and Maintenance:
- Himalayan Crystal Salt Lamps require very little care and maintenance. If you feel like you wish to wipe your lamp intermittently, switch it off and wipe it with a slightly damp cloth. This does not tend to be necessary though, as the salt seems to be self cleansing. The idea is to leave the lamps switched on permanently to maintain a continuous source of beneficial negative ions.
- If a lamp is switched off for an extended period (a few days or longer), it is recommended that the lamp is covered with an air tight bag. This will ensure that the lamp is sealed off from the moisture in the surrounding atmosphere, keeping it dry. Himalayan Crystal Salt is highly hygroscopic, which means that it naturally attracts moisture from the air. With the lamp switched on, any moisture is consistently evaporated and does not have a chance to accumulate. However, if a globe goes or the lamp is left switched off, the moisture starts to accumulate, drip, create small pools of water and initiate a crystallization of the salt on the lamp and around the base.
- So, find the place in the room you feel that the lamp fits best, switch it on, and then leave it on permanently. One exception to this, is that, unless specifically being used as a comforting night light, lamps in a bedroom should be switched off at night, to ensure as dark a room as possible and facilitate melatonin production, ensuring a deeper, more restful sleep.
Himalayan salt lamps make a beautiful decor piece, but did you know these incredible ancient crystals also offer a range of health and wellness benefits?
From trapping dust to boosting your mood and even improving your sleep, Himalayan salt lamps are ideal for creating a calm, happy home. Keep reading as we share 5 great reasons to keep a Himalayan salt lamp in every room below!
What are Himalayan salt lamps?
First, a quick recap if you’re not familiar with Himalayan salt lamps and their benefits. Himalayan salt lamps are carved from natural chunks of Himalayan salt and hollowed out to fit a lightbulb inside. They range from orange to pink in appearance, and emit a warm, amber glow when in use.
Along with creating a beautiful ambience, Himalayan salt lamps are also thought to hold unique properties such as purifying the air and promoting deep, restful sleep. Here are some of the reasons to introduce a Himalayan salt lamp into your home:
Himalayan salt lamps can improve air quality
Himalayan salt lamps are naturally hygroscopic, meaning they absorb moisture from the surrounding air. Essentially, your Himalayan salt lamp will act as a natural air purifier by absorbing and trapping airborne pollutants such as dust, mould and mildew. With this in mind, Himalayan salt lamps are ideal for those who may suffer from asthma, allergies or respiratory issues.
Himalayan salt lamps boost our mood and energy levels
Himalayan salt lamps produce negative ions. Negative ions are most commonly found in nature – for example, at the foot of a waterfall, or by the crashing waves of the ocean. This is why we often feel so energetic and refreshed in these locations.
Exposure to negative ions is thought to increase our energy levels, improve concentration and boost our overall mood. Placing a Himalayan salt lamp in every room may help you feel more alert and rejuvenated.
Himalayan salt lamps balance positive ions
While negative ions make us feel happy and refreshed, positive ions can have the opposite effect. Everyday electronics such as mobile phones, computers and televisions are constantly releasing positive ions, which is why we often feel tired, tense or stressed after too much exposure to our devices. By emitting negative ions, Himalayan salt lamps help to combat and neutralise our exposure to these positive ions.
Himalayan salt lamps can help you sleep better
Himalayan salt lamps are also great sleep aids! The warm, amber glow emitted by Himalayan salt lamps (as opposed to the blue light emitted by our devices) has a soothing and calming effect on our bodies, and creates the perfect ambience needed for deep, restful sleep. This also means Himalayan salt lamps make the perfect night lights for your little ones.
Himalayan salt lamps have a calming effect
There’s a good reason why many mums-to-be bring a Himalayan salt lamp to the labour ward! The soothing light produced by salt lamps in hues of orange, yellow and red are thought to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and even balance our physical and emotional energy.
How to choose the right Himalayan salt lamp
When it comes to Himalayan salt lamps, size matters, so be sure to choose the right size lamp for your needs. Small salt lamps are great for bedrooms and offices, while large lamps are great for living areas and studios. We recommend building a collection of salt lamps, and aim to have one in each room of your home!
Neutralise Electro Magnetic Radiation
All electronic equipment—such as computers, scanners, printers, fit bits, smart phones—emit electromagnetic radiation. Most homes today typically have a moderate to high concentration of electronics. This means that most family members have constant exposure to electromagnetic radiation.Studies have shown that this constant exposure increases your cortisol levels, resulting in fatigue, higher stress, reduced concentration and lower immunity. Himalayan salt lamps counterbalance the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation by releasing a small radius of beneficial negative ions into the air.The best place for your salt lamp is close to your electronic equipment, such as your desk, television and game consoles. Not only will it help to counteract electromagnetic radiation, but it will cleanse the air, reducing your risk of colds, flu, chest infections etc.Sitting in front of a computer or TV we are bombarded with electromagnetic frequencies. When we watch TV or work at our computer we are exposed to frequencies that vibrate much faster than that of our brain. The result is a lack of concentration, nervousness and insomnia. Salt lamps bind the excessive positive ions with their negative ions. They help to neutralise the electro-smog in the room.
Air purification / Allergy Symptoms / Asthma / Hay fever
A salt lamp will help keep the air around you clean, naturally ionised and purified, for this reason they can be useful for helping asthma and hay fever sufferers.
Help Depression
The salt naturally emits negative ions that help to positively boost mood.
Children’s Health
Tests on hyperactive children with concentration and sleeping disorders (ADHD symptoms) have shown that using salt lamps drastically reduces their symptoms in a week. When the lamps were removed, their symptoms returned.
Feng Shui
A few lamps placed at strategic spots will enhance the energy and purify the air. They are aesthetically pleasing to look at.
Reduce Stress and Meditation
When you repose in peace and quiet, a salt lamp near you is known to enhance your meditative experience. Salt lamps provide a soothing pink glow that promotes a relaxing effect. Unlike a lot of artificial lighting, salt lamps don’t emit a bluish glow. Blue lights have been shown to reduce melatonin and disrupt sleep patterns, while a salt lamp’s soft pink light is warm and soothing to look at and sits at the opposite end of the blue spectrum of light that signals ‘alarm’ to our brain.
A few lamps around smoky areas will help to purify the air.
Salt Lamp / Candle Care
Salt lamps are made of pure Himalayan salt so please keep them dry to prevent degrading. Salt naturally absorbs some moisture from the air so to help care for your lamp it is best to leave it turned on as long as possible, the heat prevents the lamp from absorbing too much moisture. This is especially useful on hot/humid days.Because salt absorbs moisture you may find a small salty puddle at the bottom of your lamp/candle, this is normal and due to salts ability to absorb moisture. We recommend a small saucer underneath candles for this reason. If your lamp/candle does become very wet simply dry with it with a hair dryer.The lamps need to be turned on to emit negative ions, if it is not turned on you will not receive the benefits.The lamps take 15 Watt pilot lights, which are available to purchase from supermarkets and other retailers.Himalayan salt, which is used to create Himalayan Salt Lamps, is one of today’s most sought after items in the world of nutrition and holistic health. Over the years, researchers and health experts have discovered a plethora of uses for this incredible product.Salt lamps are ideal for daily use near televisions and computers, around smokers, in offices with air-conditioning, in fact anywhere you want to restore or preserve the natural air quality. Himalayan Salt Lamps are a beautiful and natural alternative to artificial ionisers.Due to their beautiful and rich colours, salt lamps are also used in colour therapy, i.e. chromo therapy. Salt lamps have also been appreciated by Feng Shui art connoisseurs. The lamps are hand excavated from salt deposits at the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains and great care is taken to retain their natural beauty.Even when the lamps are cool, they have some beneficial effect, but when lamps or tea lights are lit, the gentle heat they generate produces a far higher number of negative ions. Bio-energy therapists and homeopaths in Europe have recommended crystal salt lamps for a long time to support treatment of allergies, respiratory system and blood system diseases
Himalayan Salt Lamps – the truth behind the hype
If you have been in a trendy bar or a health food store recently, you have probably seen a glowing orb in a corner or on a table. These gently glowing lamps and candle holders are a warm presence in the room, coral or peachy red in colour.If this sounds familiar, you have seen a Himalayan Salt Lamp in action. These lamps are increasingly popular all over the world. Salt lamps are undeniably lovely to look at, but did you know that they have surprising health benefits? It is believed that they work to generate negative ions in the air. In fact, many people claim that buying a Himalayan salt lamp online is one of the healthiest moves they have made.If you want to know more about the health benefits of Himalayan salt lamps and get beyond the hype to the real facts, read ahead.
What is a Himalayan Salt Lamp?
Real Himalayan salt lamps are hand chiselled blocks of crystal salts from the Himalayan mountain region. Their orange and pink colour is owing to their naturally high mineral concentration.This slab of salt is hollowed out, and a light bulb is wired inside in order to produce heat and light. The heat from the bulb works to release the healthful benefits of the Himalayan salt and help them enter into the air.
Do Himalayan Salt Lamps Improve Health?
The air, no matter how dry it feels, is always full of water vapour particles. These particles carry dust, smoke, bacteria, viruses, dog and cat dancer and pollen, helping them enter into your lungs and bloodstream.Proponents of Himalayan salt lamps believe that the salt helps to attract and neutralise the pollutants in the air. After all, salt is naturally hygroscopic (this means that it attracts water), and so this is scientifically sound. Once these contaminated water particles are attracted to the salt lamp, they remain there, preventing them from entering your body.
These are just a few of the health benefits from salt lamps:
- Improve breathing by reducing allergens in the air
- Fewer colds and flus
- Higher levels of relaxation
- A reduction in headaches and migraines
- Fewer troubles falling asleep
- An overall sense of wellbeing
Can a salt lamp generate negative ions?
Many people who buy a Himalayan salt lamp online do so because they want a product that generates negative ions. Negative ions are generated from many elements in nature, such as running water, lightning and other weather phenomena.An increase in negative ions tends to make individuals feel refreshed, energised and in a better mood. It has been proven that Himalayan salt lamps do indeed generate a small amount of negative ions, and this will likely increase your wellbeing.No matter what you are hoping to gain from your Himalayan salt lamp, you will undoubtedly appreciate its beauty, its health benefits and the calming effects it will have on you and your family.
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