Himalayan salt lamps have become a very popular item in home decor. The versatile lamps don’t just look beautiful; they also are believed to boast some pretty wonderful health benefits, leading many to incorporate them into their self-care spaces.Salt lamp opposers often come up with their warnings for small children. In actual fact, these can be quite large and heavy at times. And you do need them in hefty sizes and weights in order to have much purified air to breathe.Small children are known to knock and topple things over. Some naughty ones even commit the crime of pulling on their cords and wires. When done too much, their wires can eventually come out and be electricity hazards for small children. Also, their weight can be quite painful when falling on any body part of your children.However, this is also no fault on part of the salt lamp themselves but in their usage. Naturally, you would want tokeep anything that might be a hazard away from children. Placing your salt lamps too close to the ground or on levels they can easily reach becomes as much of a hazard as anything else.In a home with kids, you are much better off using USB salt lamps or placing them at high levels. Shelves, high tables and other places that might be out of their reach will eliminate this warning.In its true application, Himalayan salt does release particles into the air that help with air purification. When you place them at the right risk-free positions and also clean them properly, they can be quite beneficial.Ideally, you’d want to keep them switched on at all times. Since they are very low voltage lightbulbs inside, not much harm will come to your electricity bills. It would however stop toe bit of sweating that can occur on the surface of natural salt.ome people also argue that salt lamps can be a cause of headaches and also migraines. However, their actual effect proven scientifically is the exact opposite. With no blue light coming of them, their gentle amber glow and also allergy cleaning abilities from the air help them fight headaches and migraines.People with certain allergies like asthma and other breathing problems have reported much better times. When in presence of natural Himalayan salt lamps asthmatic patients have had to use their inhalers much less. Aside from your cat or child licking it too many times and having too much sodium intake, these are safe.In fact, there have been no reports of negative effects with salt lamps of any kind. Himalayan rock salt converted into lamps are beautiful to look at and provide many benefits.

Q.1 Do white salt lamps work?
Ans. Himalayan crystal salt lamp likely isn’t going to do the trick. It doesn’t put off enough negative ions to help remove air particulates. There is no evidence that the lamp can absorb toxins. There isn’t even proof that sodium chloride, a stable compound, can absorb toxins through the air.
Q.2 Is white salt lamp rare?
Ans. Yes, real white salt lamps exist, but they are significantly more expensive and fairly rare, so keep an eye out for pinkish to reddish salt lamps to bring home with you to ensure you’re getting the real deal.
Q.3 Which is better pink salt or white salt?
Ans. No doubt, pink salt is healthier than table salt as it is less refined and contains more nutrients. By consuming pink salt, you will get zinc, iron, calcium and even iodine. If we only look into the health perspective, then pink salt is more nutritious and better.
Q.4 What are these lamps used for?
Ans. Himalayan Salt Lamps have multiple uses. These work as the excellent source of air purifier since it is composed of salt, and naturally salt helps in absorbing moisture and purifying it by the process of hygroscopy. The purified air is then released into the surrounding and helps in better breathing. This, in turn, helps asthmatic patients breathe better and reduces the chances of allergies. It helps in strengthening your immune system too.The salt lamp helps in spreading positive energy around it and helps you sleep better; this is due to the release of negative ions. With the soothing glow emitted from the salt lamp, it automatically helps to calm you down and spread a peaceful aura around the house. It is also very aesthetic and works an as wonderful home décor.
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