RMY Himalayan Salt Lamps , Natural Grey Himalayan Salt Lamps 40-45kg, Remove contaminants from the air.
See particular advantages in the winter. The air in your home is probably especially dirty and positively charged during the winter months. This is largely because closed windows means air is circulating much less than it does when it’s warm out.
- Not only can salt lamps be especially useful in cleaning indoor winter air, they can also help prevent you from getting sick from the cold and flu viruses that are also more common during the chillier months.
Purchase high quality Himalayan salt lamps. You will receive the greatest benefits from a lamp that is made of pure, food grade Himalayan salt. The light fixture itself should also be solid and made of high quality components. This will help prevent potential electrical risks involved with salt and liquid deposits within the lamp.
- There are a lot of fake, cheap “salt” lamps for sale. Check the country of origin. The salt itself should have originated in Pakistan, though assembly elsewhere can be okay.
- Note that a real Himalayan salt lamp will provide dim, uneven light, will be rather fragile, and will feel damp to the touch sometimes.
Get a big enough salt lamp. For an average bedroom, a roughly 5 lb (2.3 kg) salt lamp is sufficient. In a living room-type space, go for a larger lamp. Twelve pound (5.4kg) lamps are perfect for these spaces.
- As a rule of thumb, choose a lamp with one pound of salt crystal per sixteen square feet of floor space. If a room has high ceilings, choose a lamp with extra weight.
- Note that multiples lamps will be equally effective as a large lamp. For instance, two six-pound lamps (2.7 kg each) can offer the same benefits as a twelve pound (5.4kg) lamp.
Watch out for copious sweating. One issue you may have to deal with is excessive sweating from your lamp. While a hot lamp will cause most of the moisture the salt absorbs to evaporate, the lamp may sweat water in especially damp climate. To prevent a sweating lamp from damaging the surface on which it sits, place a wooden coaster or ceramic dish beneath the lamp.
- Your lamp will also likely sweat when you turn it off, as there is no heat to promote evaporation. If you do not wish to leave the lamp on 24 hours a day, definitely place a coaster or something else to catch water underneath your lamp. Be sure to empty and replace anything you leave beneath a lamp that has collected water before turning the lamp back on.
- Consider using a higher-wattage bulb in your lamp to promote more evaporation. Check the fixture’s specifications for the maximum wattage, which will likely be located on the bulb’s receptacle.
Clean your lamp and check for build up. Your lamp will need to be cleaned from time to time, especially if it’s successfully pulling lots of dust and other particles from the air. Turn off the lamp and allow it to cool down, then wipe the lamp with a moist lint-free cloth or sponge. More importantly, ensure that liquid and salt have not built up within the lamp, as this can lead to dangerous electrical discharges.
- You will likely notice debris wiping off of the surface of the salt crystal. Once the crystal appears clean, turn it back on to evaporate any remaining moisture.
- You can also use a dry, lint-free cloth to dry the crystal whenever you notice it is sweating. Doing this will also help clean the salt and prevent liquid accumulation beneath the lamp.
Use a Himalayan salt candle holder. As an alternative to electric salt lamps, you can also get blocks of Himalayan salt sculpted to hold tea candles. These are cheaper, just as visually appealing, and as effective as electronic options – though they are often smaller.
- For an especially relaxing (and refreshing) effect, place multiple salt crystal candle holders around your bathroom or bedroom.
Purify the air
Probably the most well-known benefit and why the majority of people use them, is due to their ability to remove dust, pollen, cigarette smoke, and other contaminants from the air. How I hear you saying… Salt lamps purify the air by attracting water molecules and absorbing them, along with any other contaminants the water molecules may be carrying, into the salt crystal. As the lamp heats up when it’s on, the same water is thought to evaporate back into the surrounding environment without all the contaminants. How cool is that!
Increased energy levels
Taking a drive through the countryside with the windows down, spending time at the beach or camping in the mountains, or simply taking a shower first thing in the morning are all things that many people find invigorating. Why you ask… it’s because your body has been exposed to more negative ions, the same negative ions a salt lamp emits. By flicking the switch on a salt lamp in your living room or bedroom, you should start to feel less tired, stressed and lethargic.
Defuse the digital haze
We are all glued to our devises such as phones, televisions, laptops and tablets these days. But did you know they produce electromagnetic radiation (EM), which can have long term negative effects on our health. Constant exposure to EM radiation is known to increase stress levels, cause chronic fatigue, and decrease the body’s immune response. Salt lamps can neutralize some of this radiation if you position it close to your digital devices. So best to get one for your home and office!
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