RMY Soap Nuts Shell in Cotton Bag Packing ,Can I Use Loose Soap Nuts to Hand Wash Clothes?
- All you need is about 4-8 deseeded soapnut shells.
- Put them into a muslin bag, a sock or a washing net (you can even use a thin cotton cloth, put them in the middle and then use some twine around the top to secure the nuts inside).
- Place the soapnuts into the washing machine drummer and select your desired setting.
- When the washing cycle is over, take your soapnuts out of the bag and leave them in an aired place to dry before you use them again.
- You can reuse the same soapnuts 3-4 times before you add them to your compost.
I first discovered soap nuts because my daughter developed eczema as a baby, she had food allergies and chemical laundry detergents seemed to make her flare-ups a lot worse. We tried to swap to non-bio detergents first, but that didn’t help, so out of desperation, I started researching the internet for a solution. There I stumbled on a group for eczema and other skin condition sufferers, and lots of people recommended using these Indian soap berries instead of traditional washing powders. I thought “I really have got nothing to lose” and bought my first bag of soapnuts from an eco-shop online.

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