RMY Soap Nuts White Box Board Packing.How to Use Soap Nuts,Soap Nuts for Loundry
Soap nuts, or Indian soap berries, have become increasingly popular in recent years for a variety of reasons. They are an amazing natural detergent due to anatural cleaning essence that is contained in their shell.Although they have received a lot of love and attention in the last couple of years, soapnuts have been known and used for centuries: these soap berries have historically always been an integral element of Indian customs and used widely by many Indian households. They are the fruits of a small tree called Sapindus Mukorossi tree, native of the Himalayas Also called soapberry nut husks, they are indeed the husk (shell) from soapberry nuts. Once picked and left to dry in the sun, these amazing shells contain a natural cleaning agent called saponin that produces an effect comparable to soap.

these soap berries have historically always been an integral element of Indian customs and used widely by many Indian households. They are the fruits of a small tree called Sapindus Mukorossi tree, native of the Himalayas and the mountainous region between India and Nepal. Also called soapberry nut husks, they are indeed the husk (shell) from soapberry nuts. Once picked and left to dry in the sun, these amazing shells contain a natural cleaning agent called saponin that produces an effect comparable to soap.

- – dry skin
- – mature and ageing skin due to the anti-ageing and anti-oxidant effect
- – delicate skin, particularly for babies and toddlers
- – acne-prone skin, as it dries up excess oil in the epidermis and reduces the appearance of clogged pores
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