ball salt lamps

Salt Lamps Cleanse & Deodorize the Air,You Can Place The Warm Salt Balls All Over Your Body, Except The Face, To Reduce Muscle Tension.

A source of calming light and purification of air, the salt lamp enthusiasts the boring home ambiance. The hygroscopic nature of this natural ionizer promotes smooth breathing for asthma and other respiratory patients.Probably the most well-known benefit – and why the majority of people use them – is due to their incredible power to remove dust, pollen, cigarette smoke, and other contaminants from the air.You can place the warm salt balls all over your body, except the face, to reduce muscle tension. The hot stones relax tired back, shoulders, and neck. You can also use a combination of Himalayan salt balls and essential oils to calm your nerves while massaging your body.


Lamp manufactures claim that the pink salt releases negative ions to help purify and improve the air quality around you. In addition to the cleaner air theory, many believe that the ions can increase your energy level, improve your sleep and mood and even reduce allergy symptoms.Can you leave a salt lamp on all night? Yes. If your salt lamp has all the safety checks required of electronic devices, then there’s no reason to worry about it being left on all night. Many people find the light calming, in which case it is best to leave it on until you fall asleep.While their cure-all powers are questionable, Himalayan salt lamps could be used as a meditation aid. Meditation has been proven to reduce stress levels, lower anxiety, alleviate depression and improve sleep, all of which are highly beneficial to both your physical and mental health.


There is no evidence that Himalayan salt lamps release negative ions or clean the air. The best way to add negative ions to your home is with a commercial ionization machine that can produce high-density ionization.These salt lamps attract water, which is why these leak a lot. The negative ions play a large role in this. Apart from this, it can become a hazard for your living environment. Water and electricity do not really work well together and may cause some serious damage to your house or office.Himalayan salt also exfoliates the skin leaving it smooth while helping release tense muscle pain. CLEAN: Salt is Anti-bacterial. No extensive cleaning necessary. Use non-toxic cleaners if very oily, otherwise, simply use a damp cloth to wipe clean.


With proper care, your Himalayan salt can probably stay fresh as the day you had purchased it and will remain that way even for more than years you would not expect. Being a natural salt gives the Himalayan salt the property of not expiring for even after a hundred years.

  • On your bedside table in your bedroom – keep your lamp on as a night light and you’ll have deeper better sleeps and clean air at night.
  • On your study desk or next to your favourite sitting spot.
  • Next to a sofa that you frequently use.
  • Anywhere in your home where you spend a lot of time.

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