Snow White Salt Important For Preventing Diseases Like Goitre And Thyroid.

Himalayan salt is a rock salt that comes from the Punjab region of Pakistan. Mined in the foothills of the Himalayas, Himalayan salt contains dozens of trace minerals that give it its rosy hue.

Studies show that it is one of the purest salts available. You can find it in several forms, from exfoliating bath salts to cooking brines and salt lamps.

Nutritional Benefits:

For centuries, people who live in “Blue Zones” have relied on a Mediterranean diet. Sea salt is a central part of the Mediterranean way of eating that studies show leads to longevity.

Snow white salt

Himalayan salt’s rich mineral content can help your body detoxify.

Himalayan salt contains more than 80 minerals and elements, including potassium, iron and calcium. All of these minerals aid our body’s natural detoxification process and promote the removal of bacteria.Table salt is highly processed and contains fewer minerals and more sodium than Himalayan salt does. When you swap table salt for Himalayan salt, your body has an easier time processing it because it doesn’t require as much water to clear out the excess sodium as it would have if you had consumed table salt.To boot, Himalayan salt is naturally rich in iodine, which food companies add artificially to table salt after processing it. The natural iodine in Himalayan salt is very effective at helping your body create an electrolyte balance, helping your intestines absorb nutrients and lowering blood pressure.


Contrary to what most people believe, Himalayan salt can aid hydration.

Want a great post-workout hack? Drink some sea salt and lemon water.

The average adult body is approximately 65 percent water. If we don’t drink the 64 ounces or so of water we all need a day (as most of us don’t), our bodies feel it. If the body’s water content drops by as little as 2 percent, we will feel fatigued.

How can sea salt and lemon water help? The same way popular sports drinks do. Essentially, when we sweat or workout, we lose minerals, or electrolytes. Drinking water with a pinch of mineral-rich Himalayan salt after a workout can help you regain them and, in turn, your energy and hydration.

Snow white salt

Himalayan salt isn’t just for eating. Holistic medical practitioners tout Himalayan salt lamps for their ability to purify indoor air, reduce allergies and improve your overall well-being.

Salt is naturally hygroscopic, which means that it attracts water to its surface. The light from the Himalayan lamp causes the water absorbed by it to evaporate quickly. So although there are few studies on Himalayan salt lamps, it makes sense that they would help with mold reduction and allergies.

snow white salt


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