Soap Nuts Shell In Cotton Bag Packing Eco Friendly Organic Natural Detergent, Laundry Soap, Dishwasher Cleaner

The seed is removed from the shell and let it to dry in the sun without any chemical or synthetic agents, so soap nuts are not treated in any way and what is then put on the market is a 100% natural, un-modified product.
I first discovered soap nuts because my daughter developed eczema as a baby, she had food allergies and chemical laundry detergents seemed to make her flare-ups a lot worse. We tried to swap to non-bio detergents first, but that didn’t help, so out of desperation, I started researching the internet for a solution. There I stumbled on a group for eczema and other skin condition sufferers, and lots of people recommended using these Indian soap berries instead of traditional washing powders. I thought “I really have got nothing to lose” and bought my first bag of soapnuts from an eco-shop online.The results were truly incredible, as soon as I started washing her clothes and sheets with the soap berries, her itching got incredibly better, she stopped scratching herself as much, which used to lead to infections and open wounds and she didn’t find fabric as irritating as before. That was definitely also because of other changes we brought into our lifestyle as a family, from dietary changes to using natural soaps, shampoos and other products, but I am very confident that using Indian berries for laundry had a significant part in it too.
- Place 4-6 crushed, deseeded soapnuts with 2 cups of water in a pot.
- Bring to boil, turn down the flame and let it simmer for 20- 30 minutes.
- Strain the liquid, put the soap nuts to dry (they can be reused to make more soap liquid) and once cold pour the soapnut concentrate in a bottle.
- Keep in the fridge for up to a week
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