These Lamps Help Boost The Nervous System And Relieve Depression,Salt Lamps Need To Be On In Order For Them To Heat Up And Purify The Air

1.Power Cord Cable for dimmer Type:

Brightness adjustable ; power cord length: 5.9 ft / 1.8 m.

The long cable switch is very smart and practical and can be easily dimmed. Energy can be saved by reducing light.

Rotating the dimmer switch to extend the power cord can reduce energy consumption and extend the life of the bulb, suitable for most lighting applications.

Used for dimming and control switching to table lamps, wall lamps, mirror lamps, aroma lamps, floor lamps.

Push and rotate for complete lighting control. Dimmers also limit the integrity of the radio frequency.

This Mini USB salt stone lamp is hand carved from salt excavated from the Himalayan Mountains. When the salt is heated, it releases negative ions, also known as “Vitamins of the Air.” The negative ions are said to calm nerves, revitalize cells, and purify the air for a holistic experience.


This is High Standard ULD Certified Power-Cord specially for Salt Lamps and other Table Lamps.Cable Length is More than 60 inches. This is a complete cable set with on/off switch & bulb socket and a butterfly clip to keep the bulb in center of the lamp.LED and Halogen bulbs cannot be used in salt lamps because LED lamps, although cost-effective, do not produce heat. Halogen bulbs, on the other hand, give out too much heat when used, and this is not needed in a salt lamp.


Heat from the bulb assists in the emission of negative ions. Lamp-created negative ions bond with pollutants (positive ions) and neutralise them – removing them from the air.Check for splits or fraying in the cord and examine the plug for damage. The wire may also be broken at a place hidden inside of the casing. You can determine if this is the problem by touching the wires with a continuity tester. Bad wire should be replaced for safety.While it’s possible to cut a damaged cord and splice on a replacement, it’s usually easier to simply replace the entire cord. It’s usually connected to the lamp socket by screws – all you have to do to get to the connections is separate the socket. If you have a polarized plug, the replacement should also be polarized.


Salt lamps are an environmentally friendly source of light. They are powered by low wattage bulbs that consume only a small amount of energy.Are salt lamps safe to leave on? A: One of the most common questions we get asked is whether salt lamps are safe to leave on all day and night. The answer is a definite yes, not only is it safe but it’s the recommended action for maximum health benefits.



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