This Persian Blue Salt Commonly Used As A Finishing Salt, Sprinkled On Dishes Just Before Serving, To Add A Burst Of Flavor And A Pop Of Color

How to use it
A natural rock salt, initially comes over as a strong salt, but almost immediately becomes milder, leaving a subtle and complex taste with a mild sweetness, enhances all dishes. Best used as a finishing salt, sprinkled on top of dishes just before serving to enhance both flavor and appearance. Delicious with fois gras, truffle dishes, seafood, meat dishes. or as a drink rimmer.

Health benefits
This salt has a high potassium content, which helps the body regulate water balance, levels of acidity and blood pressure. Rich also in iron and calcium.Persian Blue Salt is one of the rarest and oldest salts on the planet, it is extracted from salt ponds in Semnan, Iran (formerly known as Persia) that formed over 100 million years ago. The blue color comes from a mineral call sylvinite. Not only is the salt delicious (slightly sweet and mild) it’s full of nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and iron.

Most chefs agree that the best salt for general cooking is Kosher salt, particularly Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt * because:
  • you are less likely to over salt with it (it’s less salty)
  • it pinches easily.
  • it dissolves well, and.
  • it’s easy to sprinkle.
  • Persian blue salt is rich in potassium. Potassium helps reduce blood pressure and cardiovascular health. Potassium is also helpful for muscle strength and bone strength and can protect against loss of muscle mass. It is involved in some body’s key processes and 4700 milligrams of it should be consumed for adults.
  • Persian blue salt benefits include common trace minerals and richer amount of potassium. Though a rock salt, it also has a slightly sweet taste at the finish. Blue salt loses its hue the more finely it’s ground. It would work well as a finishing salt but is ideal for adding flavors to cooked vegetables and white meat.Berberine chloride, the main active compound in chinen salt, is a type of salt that belongs to a group of chemical compounds known as alkaloids (1). Berberine has been shown to reduce blood sugar levels in both animals and people with type 2 diabetes ( 3 , 4 )
  • There are many other health benefits to using iodized salt in your diet, as well. Boosts thyroid function. Your thyroid gland relies on iodine to increase the production of thyroid hormones, like triiodothyronine and thyroxine.¼ teaspoon of salt in the water in the morning helps regulate your blood pressure and increases cortisol without stressing the adrenals. Salt also contains magnesium and potassium which also help with alkalinity. It does not need to be Himalayan salt; though colored salt has been shown to be most effective.
  • Many people believe that sea salt is a healthful alternative to table salt, but eating too much of any salt is harmful. People do need to include an appropriate amount of sodium in their diet, however. Eliminating salt can cause harmful mineral imbalances in the blood and can affect thyroid function.Green Salt is salty with no bitter aftertaste. Plus, its potassium content is safe for people with kidney disease* (10mg for every 1.5g).Epsom salt, is the magnesium sulfate mineral, has been found to help alleviate pain. Additionally, soaking in an Epsom salt and Epsom salt compress helps to pull toxins from the body, which enhances the healing process. Many old-age people are suffering from knee joint pain, which will affect their quality of life.
  • Better to go for Himalayan salt or rock salt instead of it. That cutting down on sodium in your diet is the best way to maintain your BP? Even a small reduction in the sodium in your diet can improve blood pressure by about 5 to 6 mm HgThe American Heart Association recommends no more than 2,300 milligrams (mgs) a day and an ideal limit of no more than 1,500 mg per day for most adults, especially for those with high blood pressure. Even cutting back by 1,000 mg a day can improve blood pressure and heart health.They found that eating 12 eggs per week had no adverse effects on body weight, cholesterol level, blood sugar level or glycated hemoglobin (or A1C, which measures blood sugar levels over a few months).

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