yellow sapphire

Yellow sapphire stone brings wealth and success

Yellow Sapphire denotes courage and wisdom and it is considered as one of the most powerful and beneficial stone (gemstone) among all gemstones. It can bring prosperity, wealth, good health and fame in your life if worn properly. Yellow Sapphire is also known as ‘Pukhraj stone’ or ‘Push Raja’ (Sanskrit), Peetmani and Topaz Stone. It is believed that Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) hold the powers of planet Jupiter (Swami Guru). Those who own a Yellow Sapphire, they enjoy vivid joys of life. However, it can backfire for some, due to its acute results.

Yellow Sapphire or Topaz stone or Pushkaraj is a cold gem and it is normally light yellow in color. It should should be worn in gold, on 1st finger of right hand on Thursday. The weight should be about 7 or 13 grams.

yellow sapphire

Yellow Sapphire is a four leaf clover gemstone for some people.

    • If Pukhraj kept in home or in a cash box, it brings more wealth. It also plays a vital role in the attainment of a peaceful mind, which further leads to better decision making prowess and resolute behavior at work.
    • Yellow Sapphire reduces mental stress. It has a positive impact on human mind. The chances of recovery from any emotional outbreak are more significant.
    • It has a great impact on the development of mind, body and health. It electrifies people, to make them worthy of achieving their goals. The dedication of an individual increases.
    • Custody of Yellow Sapphire brings prosperity in a relationship. It makes sure that there is no communication gap between the partners. The focus lies in the growth of a couple/group.
    • Those who own Yellow Sapphire enjoy more wealth because it is an ally of legendary Hindu God, Ganesh, who is the harbinger of good fortune.Astrological Analysis: Significance of the GemstoneYellow Sapphire is one of the most demanded stone in the market because of its benefits. Available in shades ranging from light yellow to a deep orangey-yellow, it is worn to get benefic results from planet Jupiter. The hindi name for Yellow Sapphire is Pukhraj. According to Vedic Astrology it means “important”.Jupiter plays a crucial role in a person’s life. If Jupiter is well-placed in your horoscope, it will provide you great benefits. However, if it is present in a malefic situation, it will be unfortunate. To receive the maximum benefits for the people with weak Jupiter, it is recommended to wear Yellow Sapphire.yellow sapphire
      • ARIES: The ruler of Aries is Mars, which is an ally of Jupiter. Yellow Sapphire therefore provides a lot of benefits to Aries. It increases the goodwill of a person.
      • TAURUS: Venus; the lord of Taurus and Jupiter shares moderate relationship. Its impact may differ.
      • GEMINI: In the major and sub major period of Jupiter, it is recommended to wear Yellow Sapphire. It will yield benefits.
      • CANCER: Jupiter shares a pleasant bond with Moon, who is the lord of Cancer. The inhabitants of this sign must wear Yellow Sapphire with Red Coral or Pearl. It will yield them positive results.
      • LEO: Sun being the lord of Leo, shares a good relationship with Jupiter. That being said, Yellow Sapphire provides great welfare to Leo.
      • VIRGO: Lord of Virgo is Mercury and it shares a delightful bond with Jupiter. Those who face issues in academics and those who are disturbed because of property loss, should wear Yellow Sapphire.
      • LIBRA: Those who fall under this zodiac sign are advised not to wear Yellow Sapphire, as in the Libra ascendant, Jupiter is lord of 3rd and 6th house.
      • SCORPIO: Possession of Yellow Sapphire is extremely good for the scorpions because Jupiter is the lord of 2nd and 5th house of Scorpio ascendant. It will be even better if you wear it with Red Coral.
      • SAGITTARIUS: Possession of Yellow Sapphire is extremely good for the scorpions because Jupiter is the lord of 2nd and 5th house of Scorpio ascendant. It will be even better if you wear it with Red Coral.
      • CAPRICORN: The people of this ascendant should not wear Yellow Sapphire because the lord of Capricorn is Saturn and it shares a bitter relationship with Jupiter.
      • AQUARIUS: Just like Capricorn, Saturn is the lord of Aquarius too. So it is recommended to avoid wearing Yellow Sapphire.
      • PISCES: It will be a pleasing experience for those who are falling under this sign, if they will wear Yellow Sapphire. As Jupiter rules over 10th house as well, which makes it an amazing combination altogether.

yellow sapphire

  • The foremost thing that a person needs to do before purchasing a Yellow Sapphire is that he/she needs to consult a learned Astrologer, who can tell them whether the gemstone is suitable or not. In case Jupiter is in the wrong house, it is advised not to wear Yellow Sapphire as it will have negative implications in that case.
  • It is very important to purchase a legitimate Yellow Sapphire from a well reputed jewellery store because possession of artificial stone will bring unappropriate consequences.
  • After purchasing the stone, buy the most suitable metal to embed it in. Gold and Silver are considered to be the ideal metal to fix Yellow Sapphire.
  • The optimum weight of a stone should be 2 carat or more than that. As per the vedic astrology, the effect of the stone increases with its weight.
  • Keep the ring in Holy water or milk, to extract all the impurities and negative energies from the stone.
  • Thursday morning is considered as the most auspicious day to wear Yellow Sapphire/Pukhraj.
  • After rinsing it properly, keep it over a yellow color cloth on which Jupiter yantra is drawn with Roli.
  • Now, wear the ring in the index finger of the right hand. Generally, it loses its effect in 3 years. So make sure that you change it every 3 years.
  • Make sure that you clean it everyday to remove the dust and various impurities. It requires thorough care, otherwise it can have negative impact.
  • yellow sapphire



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